[-:-] ENTRY 03: HAPPY HOTEL [-:-]

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We cut back to our janitor and a spider demon he just met. They seemed to be bonding very well as they chat together.

"So! New in Hell?" Angel Dust asked, Y/N nodding as he twirled his stolen broom.

"Yep. What's this "Happy Hotel" about anyways? The name doesn't seem to fit to the place down here." Y/N said as he stopped doing flairs with his broom.

"Well, just like I said before, it's some shitty hotel who wants sons of bitches like us to go up to those jizzed-up gates of God's home." Angel Dust said nonchalantly, stopping nearby to a vending machine...which dispensed drugs.

Y/N was nice enough to lend her some of his coins he stole back when he first arrived in Hell. She pressed a button which was named "Angel Dust" just like her, waiting for her drugs to be dispensed down...only to get stuck.

Angel Dust tried shaking the machine, getting annoyed. She tried reaching her arm inside it, but to no avail.

"C'mon, you stupid..." Angel Dust kicked the machine, crossing her arms as she pouts.

Y/N took note of this, walking up to the machine. The janitor put thought about the machine. He placed his palm on the vending machine, closing his eyes.

He felt the vibrations once again, looking for a perfect spot while Angel Dust turned around, curious on what he'll do. Eventually, Y/N lets go of the machine, finding the right spot.

He used the handle of his broom, bumping it lightly on the right side of the vending machine. The drug Angel Dust tried to get finally dropped down, who smiled with excitement.

She took the bag gleefully, ready to dig in...only to look at Y/N, offering some.

"Nah, I'm good." Y/N gave a thumbs up.

"Eh, Your lost. Thanks for the help, Spikes." Angel Dust pointed finger guns right at him.

"Spikes?" Y/N was confused by what she meant by that.

"Y'know, the horns?" Angel Dust pointed out, Y/N understanding by what she meant.

"Clever." Y/N commented, the two walking down together once more.

As they walk, the two demons stop nearby a cab nearby. The two entered inside, while the driver was busy looking at his phone.

Y/N poked his shoulder of the cab with his broom, catching the attention of him.

"Eh? Hell you wanna go?" The driver asked the two.

"To the Happy Hotel, I need a job over there." Y/N replied, lending in some cash he had.

"...I don't accept that payment." The driver said, glancing at the currency.

"Ohh...It's gonna be like that, huh?~" Angel Dust teased, asking the driver.

"Mhm. Give me head, won'tcha sugar?" The driver replied, and the sound of unzipping was heard.

"...You said head?" Y/N asked, tilting his head.

"Yeah, you wanna watch?" The driver asked.

"...Sure...She'll give you head." Y/N smirked sinisterly, knowing what's gonna go down.





The driver was thrown out the vehicle, a bump on his head was seen. Y/N and Angel Dust were now at the front seat, smiling at the thrown out driver.

"Let me back in bastard! I need me some head! She's probably better than my ex-wife!" The driver complained, banging his fists on the window.

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