[-:-] SESSION 02: TAKING SO LONG [-:-]

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Y/N's room was seen...but our janitor wasn't here. A door opening was heard, A voice speaking.

"Finally, she lets go..." It was Y/N muttering to himself, closing the door behind him.

"I know she's a snake, and they have their unique traits...but she really had a tight grip." Y/N comments, tossing himself on the bed.

He didn't bother changing into his night-wear clothes, since he worked a long shift earlier. Y/N brought up his blankets, sighing to himself. He'd grabbed his phone, and started recording.

"Session 02...So, we just got a new member for the hotel. A snake who tried to backstab us by being a spy for some that TV gal from before...Kinda wanna test that thought of mine when I first met her." Y/N said.

"You probably don't know what I mean by that, but if you somehow know it like some otherworldly figure who watches me like a series...Good for you, I'm not trying to start any beef with 'em." Y/N sighed, continuing on with his session.

"Anyways...that snake fellow, who's named Madam Pentious...she was hugging onto me tight for quite a while. She did that just because I remembered her name...Kinda sad hearing that, because I winged the shit out of trying to get her name right." Y/N shrugs.

"Now, I'm here, talking about the stuff that happens. The next session could be in a few days...or months, because I am not that dedicated to keep you in touch with my life." He said.

"...I also plan to do the next thing on the list. Which is uh...extend my ability skillset. I don't remember writing this to be honest." Y/N checked his list.

Suddenly, Oculus lifted his arms, reminding him that the third eye could control him whenever.

"I must be lucky about the fact you're chill enough to not cause havoc." Y/N commented, Oculus playfully rolling around.

"Now...I'm gonna go to sleep. Long day ahead, so let's kick it." Y/N turned off his phone, before heading to sleep.


The Next Day...





Y/N stood in a fairly open environment, where he had enough space to roam. No one seemed to be here, and he was recording himself for the time being. He grabbed a checklist, where an idea was seen.

Unexpectedly, Alastra popped right beside him. She walked up to him, placing her hand on his shoulder.

"Now, what endeavors made you call me here?" Alastra asked.

"So, I got an idea...but I might need some help just in case it doesn't go out planned." Y/N requested.

"Why sure! No need for your hesitation, since your frivolous ideas never fail to surprise me!" She exclaimed.

"...If I could telekinetically lift up stuff, ranging from pebbles to possibly the whole hotel...what if I like...use it on myself?" Y/N suggested.

"Are you implying that you could use your psychic powers to make yourself float? Why that's quite an idea coming from you!" Alastra compliments.

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