[-:-] SESSION 06: BAR TALK [-:-]

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Dazed Bar...




The door opens, and it was our janitor. Y/N looked around, and everybody in the room was silent. They were simply drinking, and they turn their heads to face him.

"...Ties' over there. Ya welcome." One of the drinkers pointed out.

"We agreed to keep secret. Those who didn't got their asses whooped." A drinker pointed out the bodies of unconscious demons.

The bartender was staring him down, keeping a stoic look. He nodded his head, patting the counter.

"Come up close. We're silent for this occasion." Ties said.

Y/N walked up to the counter, taking a seat. A glass shot slid from the side of him...but he didn't bother to catch it, the sound of glass shattering was heard nearby.

"Probably the only time this bar isn't doin' much. Who's the important guy you wanted to talk about?" Y/N went straight to the point.

"Ah, yes. The one you requested...After all, I do need to repay you after you spent your time cleaning up the mess my...regulars cause to get themselves their order they desire." Ties cleaned one of the glass cups.

"Mhm. What's the point of the fights? Like I know I came here to ask for some dude to assist my boss, but just curious." Y/N asked.

"Don't sidetrack. I shall give you an explanation on who we are talking about." Ties stated.

"Man, can we fucking fight already?!" Someone shouted out.

"Rust, you got your ass handed by some woman. Sit the hell down." Someone from the other side said.

"...As I was saying. You may have met him during one of your calls here. When somehow, the whole building was covered in blood just because of one singular fight, remember?" Ties reminded.

"Yeah, I think so. I was getting one of my friends a drink along the way for the payment." Y/N answered.

"Do you recall someone's hand waving right in front of you? When you were listening to your music as you swept the red floors?" Ties asked.

"...Nah, I don't. I was just in a flow mode, I suppose." Y/N shrugged it off.

"Well...I suppose it's too late to talk about that. Right to the point...The man you wish to talk to isn't like us." Ties turned around, grabbing his phone.

"What? Does he like, have special powers?" Y/N questioned.

"Mhm. He isn't exactly a demon...You see, he was somehow spawned in here, gifted with such feats." Ties revealed.

"Human? Why's that?" Y/N asked.

"He supposedly a...messenger. That's how I interpreted it. A sinning man from Earth, sent down to explore the fiery blaze of our city." The bartender told.

"And just like you and your boss, he has connections some...special people...he also sent a video of him having...fornication to us." Ties said.

"I thought we'd agreed to keep it secret?" Someone from the bar shouted.

"Don't worry. Nobody will know...because he cleaned the ones who dare try to." Ties gestured to Y/N, who nodded his head.

"How isn't that guy dead 'cuz of that? He must be a huge target being special." Y/N commented.

"The question baffles me as well. But, he comes here daily, helping heal others in pain. Just like you, with your cleaning supplies to rid the messes of a body." Ties compared.

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