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Hazbin Hotel...




Inside, we see Charlie pacing back and forth, nervous. Her cat, KeeKee followed along side with her.

"Okay. So the extermination is coming in six months instead of a year. No big deal." Charlie said, while KeeKee walked away from her.

Nearby, was Vaggie sitting nearby the TV. Angel Dust was lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Y/N was sweeping the floor with his headphones on, unbothered by her panicking.

"Just a little setback. Nothing we can't handle. Just angels cutting our timetable in half." Charlie's voice started to raise a bit more.

"But who needs a whole year to save souls? Am I right?!" The Princess of Hell starts to panic.

"And next time when they cut the time in half again, and again, we'll just handle it, right?!" Charlie yelled, before Vaggie grabbed her.

"Yes. We will." Vaggie reassured her lover.

"Oh please, ya had less than half a chance when you started all this salvation bullshit. And now...Ain't no silver lining this time toots." Angel Dust looked at her phone...which had violent messages being sent to her by someone.

"Sure there is! We just...have to look a little harder for it! I'm sure Y/N would agree, right?" Charlie asked for him.

Y/N lifted his headphones up, finally speaking to her.

"I honestly forgot that was happening. Anyways, I'm on break." Y/N placed back his headphones, tossing the broom away and floating his book to himself. Y/N sat down, reading it.

"...Well, at least he's still doing fine in these harsh times...in a way." Charlie muttered.

"Well, while you're lookin', the rest'a hell's goin' nuts. People are already freakin' out about the news. Look at what's happenin' in the Doomsday District." Angel Dust waved her phone in front of their faces.

Charlie got up close to see it...but she saw a new message on Angel's phone.

"Err, what is a...Donkey Show?" Charlie asked.

"Aah, heh, nothin'. My boss, Val, is just freaked out about the news too. Like I said, everyone's losin' their shit." Angel Dust retreats the phone back.

"Yeah, that's true. Sinners are desperate. Maybe desperate enough to try anything to escape the extermination?" Vaggie realized a potential idea.

"This is the perfect time to recruit more sinners for the hotel!" Charlie gasped and exclaimed.

"Cute idea and all, but you really gonna go out in all of this?" Angel Dust asked, showing her phone again of the panicked Hell.

"Well, it's not like people are just gonna show up on our doorstep-"


A large explosion happened right behind Charlie, making her yelp and gain the attention of everyone. Y/N perked his head up from the book, looking at the debris...he deadpans, getting up, grabbing his broom and walking outside through the hole in the wall.

Outside, was a large zeppelin floating nearby the hotel. Inside, was a snake demon along with a group of eggs.

"Show yourself Alasssstra! Come and face-" She froze, looking at Y/N.

"YOU! I haven't forgotten our last encounter! You dare esssscape me, Y/N?!" She yelled at him.

"...Oh no, it's...Madam...Pentious? Did I get that right, because I didn't bother to make a check list for the demons I pissed off." Y/N asked the question, unsure.

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