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The Motel







It was the middle of the night, but chaos was still going on. Fights breaking out on the streets, guns being blasted...but Y/N remained asleep, like a child after a long day.

However, his third eye was awake, twitching. It used all it's might...to lift the sleeping janitor up, stumbling around. Somehow, Y/N didn't awaken by this, the third eye struggling to control his body.

It dragged the walking unconscious body of the janitor into the bathroom, banging his head on the wall, Y/N finally waking up from the stinging sensation. He rubbed his head, confused.

"...You need something...?" Y/N grumbled, looking at the mirror to have eye contact with the third eye.

The eye looked up and down, signaling a yes from it.

"Whatcha need to do?" Y/N asked his eye.

The eye closed itself, only once it opened, the pupils showed an open book, pages turning before it closed. They returned back to normal.

"You wanna read a book?" Y/N muttered, the pupil of the eye changing into a mythological arcane symbol, trying to ask for any type of ancient book.

"It's early in the morning, and we got here...let's just rest before—oh okay, control my body then." Y/N couldn't finish sentence, only to be forced to walk to the exit of his motel room.

He didn't bother to grab his headphones, since there was no way to listen to music. Although, he did stop to get his bag of cash he received earlier. As he walks down the outside of the motel, where the bullets were grazing by him. The demons looked in confusion, unsure how the janitor was somehow surviving the shootout.

"Hey, this motherfucker is barely awake, and you guys are still missing him!" A imp roared at the group.

"I can probably hit him, if you weren't always so pissy!" Another demon yelled back at him.

"Could you guys be quiet? I'm new to Hell, I got no job, my phone just broke, and demons are trying to sleep..." Y/N turned to the shooters.

"I didn't ask for some stupid backstory of yours!"

"...Wrath Ring. Blazin' Way. You live with a divorced mother who still calls you "PomPon", and your dad is actually gay. Is that information right?" Y/N brought up, rubbing his head from a headache he just received right now.

The imp stares at him awkwardly, then at his group who was hiding their laughter.

"...Alright, so I believe we may have gotten to a wrong start." The imp realized how much of a threat he was, since he knew his personal stuff.

"Did I also forget to mention your nickname is said to be "Big D", despite having-"


Y/N tilted his head, dodging an oncoming bullet.

"Finish that fuckin' sentence, will ya?!" The imp named Big D roared, getting way personal.

"Sorry about that, 2 inch bits. Didn't mean to get too personal for you." Y/N smugly said, and that was enough for the group of demons who were working with the imp roar out loud with laughter at the callout.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP, IT'S AVERAGE!" The imp roared back at them, but the group weren't stopping. He turned back to the janitor, who was watching amusedly.

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