[-:-] ENTRY ???: THE LEAK [-:-]

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The following premises of this footage has been given permission to be released from the higher ups. Anyone who share this information without permission will have immediate termination from the company. Viewers with any triggers be advised.

(Alright, enough with the wannabe ARG shmuck! In actual seriousness, thanks for being patient as I work on this story, and let's head to the actual sneak peak which may be deleted after I release the actual chapter!) -UDOL





"DAD, NO!" Danny Witt was seen running, only to trip on something. Oscar slowly approaches him, pulling out a knife and gut him severely. The young boy screamed in agony after what his father done, only for his voice to slowly die out, and so did his body.

Oscar looked at him with remorse, slightly tearing up for what he had done...but he needed his plan to work for once.

"I'm so sorry..." Oscar said, wiping a tear. He used his knife to open his chest, before he sees a man coming down the lift of the underground. He has a blue jumpsuit, (F/C) hair, wielding a mop along with other janitor equipment. The name tag was written as "Y/N L/N".

He looked up at Oscar, giving a simple nod and uttering one sentence to the CEO who was traumatized on what he has done to his son...

"And I thought you wouldn't stoop this low..." The janitor said, glancing at the dead son.

"...Eh, still get paid."

"Swear to god, I fucking didn't want this to happen, I just wanted to find a way for others to prove themselves in front of God!" Oscar cried out...but the janitor wasn't having it, only cleaning the blood that was splattered.

"Might as well get the job done, Mr. Witt. After all, I'm not a part of this, and it's simply my job just to clean your litter." Y/N put on his headphones, whistling to himself as he cleans it all up.

Some people will think this is an act of crime, considering the gore that was shown, but for Y/N, it was simply just...

Some people will think this is an act of crime, considering the gore that was shown, but for Y/N, it was simply just

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5:50 AM

In the streets of New York City, the streets were roaring with traffic, citizens walking down as they prepare to do their normal routine. But out of all these people, we zoom inside an apartment, seeing someone asleep.




We see him awaken, pressing the alarm and turning it off as he yawns and gets up immediately. It was revealed to be Y/N, who went to the kitchen to ready up for his job: A Janitor for "The Horizon™️."

He makes himself a cup of coffee, along with a instant noodles in a bowl. He took the two items to a table, turning on the TV to see what's happening in the world, checking in with the news first.

"It has been 2 weeks since the disappearance of the son of Oscar Witt, "Danny Witt." Authorities have been trying to investigate this case, although no further evidence have been found. Authorities is also starting to state that the missing son, is now presumed dead. All we know is that the Witt family has been left heartbroken. We'll be right back after this break." A news anchorman spoke on TV, before cutting to the ads.

Y/N simply sighed, eating his noodles. He got up as he puts on his headphones, now leaving his apartment to go to his day job. He entered inside a nearby bus, going to multiple places along the way. The vehicle was mostly silent despite the many people who were taking it, but Y/N didn't mind it that much.

He now arrived at his stop, stepping out. He entered inside the building, clocking in as he greets his other co-workers. He was now dressed in the same jumpsuit from before, getting his cart of supplies to clean up. As he sweeps the floors of the hallways along with his headphones, he seemed to be hearing sounds that aren't music from his head...

Whispering voices were invading him, telling him thoughts that many people would consider satanic...however, he remained unphased, the music blasting those intrusive memories away. He was soon tapped by a nearby co-worker who was also a janitor, interrupting his trance.

"What's good, Y/N?" The co-worker who was named Axel greeted, giving the janitor a fist-bump. Y/N simply nodded up at his existence, the two having a quick conversation as they do their cleaning jobs.

"Just doin' my job for now, don't mind me." Y/N replied.

"Mmm, you up to go to the movies with Duke, Cliff and I? We're gonna skip that ceremony tomorrow, since I might fall asleep there." Axel asked.

"Eh, they promised me to give me extra if I clean the messes that come up there, I'll go later." Y/N replied, making Axel shrug.

"Aight, we'll see you later at break." Axel said, the two now continuing their work.

Y/N went to some windows, grabbing a spray and wiping the glass. As he cleaned, he saw Kendall Witt, mourning the loss of her brother. Y/N didn't care, only cleaning the windows as he whistled the tune of the music he was listening to.



We see the CEO of The Horizon™️, Oscar Witt in his office. He turned on the radio, changing each station until it turns static...suddenly, a voice was heard.

"Greetings once more, my accomplice! I bid that you have done your duty?" A female voice was heard, a transatlantic sound covering it.

"Yes...I don't understand why must you make me do this sin in order for us to reach out to Heaven." Oscar replied with a hint of regret.

"Don't fret, my good chum! I'll tell you what, once we get this thingamajig up and going, i'll send your son out first!" The female voice exclaimed.

"...Really? Will he forgive me of what I had done to him?" Oscar asked, a tear dropping down.

"Aww...wipe that tear and flip your mouth, because you must always have a happy face! And I bet my strength that it'll be a blast once he arrives!" The radio reassured.

"Alright then..." The CEO muttered.


(And that's all for the sneak peak, my lads!)

(Feel free to give feedback, because I really need it just in case!)

(And just for the fun of it, leave any questions here!) -UDOL

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