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(This was rushed, sorry for any mistakes I made!)


The Horizon Training Manual

Greetings once more, recruit! This is a how-to guide on managing the camera system and safety procedures inside the building! Don't worry, it's simple enough for you to understand, but hard to be hacked!

In our complex, we use a camera system called "SentinelWatch," which is something we developed for perfect vision in any circumstances!

The SentinelWatch camera system is designed to provide reliable and efficient surveillance for both residential and commercial environments. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, you can ensure the safety and security of our property.

Even at nighttime, the camera has night vision, able to see anything in the dark! See someone suspicious talking to someone, luckily for you, the SentinelWatch has the programming to be able to eavesdrop onto conversations from afar!

Any breaches that occur inside this building? Don't fret, because we have some simple steps that everyone could follow!

Step one, anyone inside the dangerous area must be gathered up, to ensure for others to not be lost. After that, give this one simple sentence that will help the citizens:




The following footage must not be leaked to the public. Failure to comply will lead to immediate termination from the corporation.

SentinelWatch Log


Danny Witt

Oscar Witt


Oscar Witt's Office



*Motion Detection: Doors opening, Danny enters Oscar's office.

D: "Dad...are you okay?"

O: "...It's rude to barge into somebody's room, Danny."

D: "Listen, I feel like this project of yours is stressing you out. Mom's worried."

O: "Tell her it's gonna be alright. We're almost finished."

D: "You say that every time! I'm starting to think this stupid work of yours is an excuse to just slack off!"

O: "Don't you dare talk back, boy! You have no damn idea what work I've been putting through!"

*Motion Detection: Oscar slamming his fist onto a desk.

D: "Then what are you doing thats more important than your own family?!"

O: "...Listen, you'll most likely won't believe me...but Creation detail have been working on a portal machine."

D: "A what? Dad, I know we're a multibillion corp, but there is no way we could be able to make something like this!"

O: "But we did! Someone told me the instructions, and it miraculously looks like it'll work! I checked it out with the smartest people on the board of directors, and they even believe it also!"

D: "Who even told you?!"

O: "This is the part where you won't believe me...but an angel made connections with me."

D: "...It's official. My dad is an actual fucking lunatic."

O: "It's the truth! I can show you!"

*Motion Detection: Switch flipped, center of the room opens up to a pit to the Underground.


Camera Switch

*Motion Detection: Danny and Oscar arrives underground, Oscar showing the large portal device.

D: "Holy..."

O: "See?"

D: "...Wait, where did you even talk to this "angel?"

O: "Well...she was somehow talking to me in a radio. I don't know why, but for some reason, she had the equation on how we could be the first to create a wormhole into another dimension!"

D: "Why hasn't it been used yet?"

O: "You see, one of the main ingredients to complete this project...is the human heart of one you care for."

D: "Haha! That's a joke, right? ...What are you doing?"

*Motion Detection: Oscar reaches for a walkie talkie, uttering a command. Oscar grab

O: "Call in Y/N down to the Underground. Don't let anyone find this footage."

D: "Y/N? Why are you calling him for a sudden?!"

O: "I'm so sorry."



*Sound Detection: Stabbing.


Son of Prominent CEO Reported Missing Under Mysterious Circumstances. Authorities on the lookout.



(Don't worry, that's gonna be the last lore dump. This time, we're going to be focused on our janitor in an actual prologue!)

(In the mean time, feel free to tell me what you think about this page.)

(And what did you connect from this trash lore writing by me?)

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