[-:-] ENTRY 01: EXPEDITION [-:-]

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Hell, The Pride Ring...

Hell, The Pride Ring

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A portal opened, two figures stepping out onto the streets of Hell. One was a human male, who was looking around his red surroundings. The other was a female demon with a devilish smile, getting whiff of the smell of Hell once more.

"Well, isn't this just a delightful slice of misery? After toying around with your CEO in the mundane world you used to call "home", I must admit, I'm positively yearning for the fiery embrace of dear Hell. Oh, how I've missed the screams and the sinister smiles!" Alastra exclaimed, while chaos reigns nearby with the honks of vehicles and fights breaking out.

"...So do I start over? Work my way back up the steps in this deadlier world?" Y/N asked, ignoring the sounds of madness.

"Well, it frankly depends on you! You took the deal, and I'm simply here to show you the ropes. Oh, here comes my favorite part every time a human wanders inside!" Alastra pointed at Y/N.

Suddenly, his body started to turn transform slowly. His skin slowly turned into (F/C), horns started poke out his head. Y/N didn't seem to mind much, only curious.

"Would you like a mirror, dear?" Alastra summoned a mirror just him, Y/N taking it to look at what he has become now.

His eyes became purely pale, looking like he's blind even though he isn't. He takes his headphones off and moves his hair out the way, a third eye opening itself on his forehead. The eye closes, but he simply nodded at it, surprised by what he became.

"Well, what do we have here? A third eye, I see? How positively intriguing! My dear, you're quite the enigmatic puzzle, and I do so love a good mystery. Care to enlighten me on the secrets it beholds?" Alastra asked, taking notice.

"That's nice...I'm not really even sure what it means, but it looks cool." Y/N admitted.

"Well then that's alright my friend! But shall we embark in a tour of Hell? That hidden eye of yours might be pleased as you find a new perspective of the burning passion of this lovely land! I shall be your hostess during the exploration of the underworld, unveiling the hidden esoteric that lies here!" Alastra offered him.

"...Sure, why not. Can't get anything done if you have no idea what you're doing." Y/N shrugged.

"Wonderful! Let's get going in the loud and proud city in the Pride Ring!" Alastra clapped her hands, grabbing his wrist as she leads the way upon the city.

"Ring?" Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"Ah yes, we're separated into seven rings! The Pride Ring remains on top with Lucifer himself! An interesting man, if you had no idea." Alastra explained to him.

"Wasn't it Satan basically the leader of the underworld?" Y/N asked her.

"Oh no, he's in the Wrath Ring." Alastra stated.

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