[-:-] SESSION 05: BOOK IT [-:-]

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Hazbin Hotel...




Y/N was in his room, silently looking through his phone. He turned on his camera app, and pointed at himself.

"Session 05. Okay, so basically..." Y/N froze mid-sentence, Oculus perking its vision upon the door.

"Alright, I know we had a moment of sadness like a few days ago...but that doesn't mean you should just stalk me for it." Y/N called out, placing his phone away.

However, no one seemed to be here. But Oculus still had itself widened, Y/N raising an eyebrow.

"Charlie, I can see your hooves in the closet. You're not hiding very well." Y/N commented, but no response came.

"...Oh look, Charlie sent me lingerie pics." Y/N said.

"Charlie would never do that, she's too sweet for that, cabrón!" A voice was heard inside, proving his point.

"Gotcha. Come out the closet the second time, no point in hiding now." The janitor pointed a finger gun at the closet.

"Vaggie!" Charlie opens the closet door, complaining.

"Okay, that's on me..." Her lover admitted defeat, walking out.

"Mhm. Besides, Vaggie would look better in em'." Y/N nonchalantly said, catching her off-guard.

"Y-Y/N, what the fuck?!" Vaggie was taken aback by his comment, blushing.

"What? It's true." Y/N shrugged...before laughter was heard nearby as well.

"Oh, man! Good shit, Spikes!" It was Angel Dust, who exited out the bathroom, holding onto her knees.

"...Anyone else want to come out of hiding?" Y/N questioned.

"What about her?" Angel Dust pointed at one of the top corners of the ceiling...revealing Niffty staring at him, giggling manically.

"Hehehe..." Niffty lightly laughed.

"Oh. She's been there for like the whole day, I just didn't bother to stop her." Y/N shrugged at the fact Niffty had a sinister smile.


"Husk didn't bother to check up on you." Charlie interrupted him.

"Well, least she was chill enough...Also I don't think the word "check" would be a good definition for this situation." Y/N said.

"Listen, we're gonna keep an eye on you no matter what! It's for your own good!" Vaggie shouts.

"...So you wouldn't mind if I just...take off my clothes?" Y/N asked, bringing silence to the room.

"...Okay, good point." Vaggie accepted defeat once more.

"Oh c'mon! Don't deny the fact you wanna see what he's packing!" Angel Dust teased, gesturing to his crotch area...which Y/N responded by having a pillow hiding it.

"I-It's because I respect privacy!" Vaggie shouted.

"...Why'd ya stutter?" Angel called out.

"Wow. What would the King of Hell think about that?" Y/N questioned her.

"Queen." Charlie stated.

"...What?" Y/N tilted his head.

"QUEEN Lucifer." Vaggie corrected.

"...Oh shit. I swear, I remember you say he..."she"was a guy." Y/N muttered.

"Yeah...Sinners do get confused about that..." Charlie scratched the back of her neck.

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