Relationship with the members

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Bang Chan and Soyeon - Chanyeon

Soyeon had a very rough childhood and developed a very good internal radar. She can tell if someone is a good person after spending just five minutes with them. She's very rarely wrong, and she instantly knew Chan as a great person. After he found out about her past, he went to great lengths to make sure she was safe. He always takes care of the girl and she watches out for him too in return. Both have insomnia. Chan will work so hard he won't notice time passing and got into the habit of not sleeping. Soyeon, who has nightmares and can't sleep, will go check on him if he doesn't return to the dorms and will bring food with her, forcing him to stop and take a break. She'll check on him and often manages to convince him to head home. While they have no romantic feelings for each other, pet names and cuddles are a regular occurrence between the two. The ship Chanyeon emerged after Soyeon was upset during the reality show and Chan comforted her.

Lee Know (Minho) And Soyeon - Minyeon

The snarky boy took an instant liking to Soyeon, even though he acted extremely indifferent at first. He is extremely protective of her and gets mad if something upsets her. Both are sarcastic and have a tsundere personality, leading to insult wars between the duo. However, aware of her past, Minho never takes the jokes too far. Moon is often clinging to him, which led to her nickname Koala. When she's close to him, Lee Know will play with her hair. Some fans think they hate each other because of how much they argue but in reality it's just them showing each other love and affection in an albeit unconventional way. Moon will often go to Lee Know to rant, yell, vent, and complain and he'll always listen to her and help to the best of his abilities. In return, she'll stay up with him at night teaching him English, which is something he greatly appreciates. The ship arose when it was revealed that when Minho isn't with Han, he can normally be found hanging out with Moon.

Changbin and Soyeon - SoBin

The two hated each other at first. Changbin didn't approve of having a girl on the team and thought it was a stupid idea. Soyeon didn't appreciate the way he treated her and mocked her. It reminded her too much of her father and would upset her. After he made her cry though, Chan made Changbin go after the girl. Changbin found her finally in the dance practice room Chan had met her in, and she was sitting against the wall, her pants rolled up showing bloody cuts. A knife was held limply in her hand. Upset by the sight before him, Changbin apologized and led her up to the group, which was how they found out. He became protective of her after that and the two grew close. Moon will randomly run up behind him and jump on Changbin's back, and the boy will give her piggy-back rides and carry her places. The other members like to joke Changbin is Soyeon's bodyguard since he always hovers around her when they're in public and will defend her. Moon will listen to hours of Changbin's demos to give him feedback and help him, so every year on her birthday he takes her out to lunch and buys her a stuffed animal. The fans began to ship them after Moon freaked out on stage and Changbin grabbed her hand. Out of habit after that, the two will hold hands on stage.

Hyunjin and Soyeon - HyunSo

Hyunjin liked Soyeon from the beginning. She could dance, she could sing, she was feisty, and she obviously had a big heart. They both hate loud noises, but Moon mainly fears fighting. Because she grew up hearing her parents fight, at even the smallest of arguments, she'll burst into tears. Whether the fight involves her or not, it brings back memories she would rather forget. Hyunjin knows this and will go to her room to sit with her whenever a fight occurs, holding her as she cries and comforting her. She enjoys his warm embrace, but complains because he's so much taller than her. They often practice dancing together, and when Hyunjin couldn't sleep, even though she was in school still, Soyeon stayed up with him, singing him to sleep. He loves to play with her fingers so she'll muss with his hair in retaliation. HyunSo became a ship after fans noticed how clingy they were to each other.

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