1x01: Wolf Moon

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It was a quiet evening in Beacon Hills, dominated by a clear sky, you could also see the stars if you went away from the light of the street lamps; Melissa McCall had the night shift, which often happened, so he had left her twins at home recommending in every possible way not to do harm

"I don't know why you're fixing something that you haven't used before and I doubt you'll use it again" The girl did not even bother to look at him, comfortably sitting in Scott's room while filing her nails, just to annoy her brother

"This year, Stiles and I will play," Scott said, not looking away from the lacrosse bat he held in his hand, with conviction and at those words the girl burst into laughter, finally diverting attention from her nails, so much that she had to lie down on her brother's bed and hold her belly for laughter.

"You and Stiles? The same Stiles who stumbles on his own feet while standing still?" the boy didn't give her too much thought and left the bat on the bed, almost hitting his sister in the face with it and headed towards the pull-up bar he had attached to the bathroom door

"This time will be different" he was convinced of what he was saying as he jumped and grabbed the bar firmly starting to do the pull-ups

"You said that last year too," she reminded him, looking at him a bit upside down as she had conveniently taken the bed

"I understand why you're still a virgin," she continued to comment, as she received no response. Her favorite sport was to provoke her brother, always and in any occasion, but deep down she loved him

"Who... who told you I'm a virgin?!" Scott loosened his grip awkwardly blushing, sure not from the strain of pulling. He stared at his sister completely embarrassed, he was not used to talking about certain topics, he had always been a modest boy, on the contrary his sister used to tell him almost everything that happened to her. She often wondered why her brother had never found any girl, in fact he was not so terrible apart from the hair...

"I don't know... your haircut, your clothes, the fact that you're more modest than a nun... I mean... you" the girl explained him with extreme calm,  looking at him straight in the eye, after getting comfortable on the bed; Scott barely withstood the provocative gaze, and his eyes encircled the perimeter of the room, causing his sister to raise her eyes while still laying on the bed

"Ophelia stop it..." he began to say, but hearing noises coming from outside he stopped abruptly, he signaled his sister to shut up and, armed with a baseball bat, he went to the porch followed by Ophelia

They walked slowly until they came out the door, heard noises and exchanged a look, still and quite they looked at each other and the girl pointed to the roof, Scott simply nodded... Stiles

"Stiles what the hell are you doing here?" Scott yelled when his best friend appeared to him in front of his face dangling from the roof, the girl held a hand to her chest with fright and grumbled something extremely annoyed by the almost heart attack, while Scott laid down the bat and helped his friend to get down from above

"You weren't answering the phone! My father left  20 minutes ago and they're calling all the feds in the Beacon district and the police... because they found a body in the woods" began Stiles continuing to speak and gesture without stopping to even catch a breath, "Oh, hi Ophelia" he acknowledged her presence by moving his gaze from Scott to her

"But a dead body?" Scott asked stupidly , making his sister roll his eyes, who did not understand wether he actually put effort into asking questions like those or he was genuely that clueless

"No an alive body...Yes idiot, a dead body" exasperated Stiles spread his arms shocked by the "brilliant" question of his friend

"And what are they looking for in the woods if they already have a body?" Ophelia, intrigued by Stiles's words, who looked at her with satisfied smile on his face

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