2x06: Frenemy

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Derek and Ophelia started running, chasing the Kanima; Scott, Rory and Stiles ran to the Jeep while Lydia and Allison stayed there, so the latter, after a first moment of hesitation, decided to take the friend back, more than confused by everything that had just happened, at home

Allison in the car tried to talk to Lydia asking her not to say anything about what she had seen and what had happened that night, especially because she and Scott should not even have seen each other, but the girl, particularly annoyed by that attitude of constant secrecy and half lies, replied that she had not even understood what happened that night, leaving her in the car and going home

The first ones to reach the Kanima were Derek and Ophelia; the beast attacked them and the two, taken a little by surprise, began to fight against it. The two werewolves tried to surround him

The first to attack was the Alpha, who pushed the beast towards the girl who in an attempt to throw him to the ground, so that Derek could block it, managed to wound his arm with her claws

The beast just got angrier than before and with the tail managed to take the girl and throw her to the ground; Ophelia, after the impact, took a moment before recovering, so the Kanima managed to focus on Derek and attack him

The two began to hit each other, between claws, fists and kicks. At one point, The Kanima, after taking Derek off, climbed quickly up the ceiling, leaving the Alfa a little confused on the ground

Derek continued to study the movements of the beast above him, when this shot cut the wires of the current that emitted a beam of light that blinded the boy

The Kanima wasted no time and immediately attacked him against a wall. The two looked into each other's eyes, it was a silent struggle of strength, but the Alpha had not taken into account that the monster in front of him had a tail

Ophelia saw the monster's appendage snaking behind her, ready to paralyze Derek. She moved quickly, jumped on the beast pushing him away from the boy who gave her a strange look before leaving to attack

At that moment, as the girl ran towards the Kanima, she saw in the distance Scott and Rory running towards them. In that moment of distraction the beast had grabbed the Alpha with the tail and had thrown him against one of the columns in that warehouse

The girl no longer seeing the werewolf decided to reach Rory and Scott, trying not to be seen by the Kanima, once close to them blocked them, preventing them from attacking the beast and making sure that she did not see them

At that moment the Kanima, who continued to study the environment around him in search of the two werewolves, was distracted by the light of the headlights of a car

He had time to turn in the opposite direction to the one in which he had flown the werewolf, finding himself in front of the hunters. Without wasting time the four humans, as soon as they got out of their respective cars, began to shoot the beast that, after all those shots, fell to the ground apparently dead

The friends, at the sight of the body falling to the ground, leaned to see if really the beast, or rather Austin, was really dead, but what they saw was more shocking: Rory's father was there, standing next to Vanessa Argent, still holding the gun

Ophelia instinctively turned to the girl who, next to her, had a hand to her mouth and had a look to say the least upset. At that moment the Kanima got up and went straight toward Gerard, escaping the blows of Nick and Chris. Scott saw him move immediately, attacking the beast and managing to get away from the old man, the boy then managed to escape just before the bullet, shot by Vanessa, took him in the chest

The girl remained hidden, for a second feared the worst, saw the bullet go straight towards her brother and she breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him escape

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