2x05: Venomous

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It was already night when Derek returned to the shed where he and his betas were usually staying, but he did not return alone. The four betas approached him and Ophelia was deeply surprised when she saw the boy that Derek was carrying with him, she did not understand what he was doing there and what his intentions were

"What's he doing here?" asked the girl staring at the oldest who overcame her with a firm step, continuing to hold the boy firmly and dragging him to the area where he usually coached the other werewolves

"Hold him still" he ordered, and immediately Erica and Isaac snapped at his command, took Austin one by one arm and the other on the other side, so that the boy could not move or make bad jokes trying to attack someone

"What happened on the night of the full moon?" asked the older observing every minimal and imperceptible movement of the boy in front of him, from the micro facial expressions, to the movements of his eyes to his rapid beat. Ophelia shocked, only realized at that moment that Derek had not only turned are Isaac, Erica and Boyd, but also Austin; she began to wonder: how? when? Why did he bite a hunter...

The boy, still stuck in motion by Erica and Isaac, shook his head, claiming that nothing had happened and that fortunately he had never transformed. Austin began to say that maybe the bite had had no effect, that probably not all worked, it was clear that the guy was just trying to explain what had not happened to him, but Derek laughed in his face

The elder approached him after putting on black leather gloves, took one of the fragments he had taken from the pool, the night before, and forced Isaac and Erica to keep their mouths open so that they could swallow some of the paralyzing substance that Kanima had left on the glass

Austin's heartbeat skyrocketed, he did not understand what was doing Derek nor his intentions, he tried to move but it didn't matter how good of a hunter he was, the betas' hold on him was much stronger than him

Derek thought that if he had been the Kanima his own poison would have no effect on him, but contrary to that, the boy once free from the betas' hold, fell to the ground paralyzed, surprising the Alpha

Ophelia observed the scene extremely confused, Derek disappointed by his experiment left there leaving the boy, who was then taken away from there by the other beta

That morning Isaac was strangely happy and smiling at Ophelia next to him for breakfast, since now both she and Isaac lived practically in Derek's shed. The girl looked at him amused, she did not understand the reason for all that sudden happiness that seemed to have taken possession of the boy

"What are you so happy about?" almost laughed the girl eating one of her packaged pancakes, since they didn't really have a kitchen in that place, but they were fine with it, they didn't have many other places to go

"Oh, my lady, you don't know what wonderful news they've given me this morning! I'm no longer on trial or even wanted! I can go to school with you" Isaac bit into a pancake with playful play and the girl next to him shook her head and then smiled genuinely, he had transmitted a bit of joy to her too

"Oh, good news" Derek came in coming from their shoulders, had his usual long face, as always gruff and glacial; the looks of the two guys followed the figure of the largest until he was in front of them

"Today we will test if Lydia Martin is the Kanima" informed them the boy stealing a pancake from Isaac's plate who didn't dare tell him anything, but he turned a slightly confused look at his friend next to him

"What do you mean?" tried to inquire about Ophelia, but the boy was already leaving without deigning them further explanations, so the two boys finished eating and only once they were ready to go to school they knew what they were supposed do that day

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