1x03: Pack Mentality

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The girl had finally stopped her run, she was in the woods and she looked around disoriented, she was still seeing red and in her head were still playing the things that her brother had just said, the more she listened those words rumbling in her head the more she felt the anger rise. At one point while she had started running again, this time in the direction of the city, she was abruptly landed by something

"Ophelia?" asked the one who found himself above while she growled at him trying to get him off her, she didn't even recognize him
After a while she finally managed to get away from him and was ready to attack him, with eyes shining, yellow, nails out and growls, she felt her heart beating strong, adrenaline running through her veins, so she threw herself on the one in front of her

But he knew how to move and defend himself much better than her, he kept dodging her and throwing her to the ground as if there was nothing easier, the girl was starting to get irritated more and more until the other threw her to the ground making her bang her head and she stopped for a moment

"Ophelia! Calm down!" she managed to hear and finally she could hear her thoughts, that voice she knew, she pulled himself up from the ground bringing a hand to the head where she had hit it

"Derek?" hers was more of a question than an statement, she was in front of Derek in the middle of the woods, but she did not understand what was happening

"Yes, you've lost control," he said grumpy as always, looking at her with his eyebrows raised and arms folded. Ophelia panicked, she was afraid she'd hurt someone and not remember it

"W-what did I do?" she asked him with her heart in her throat praying she hadn't touched anyone, at most she hoped to have killed a bunny but not her friends or... her. brother

"Stay calm, you didn't do anything," he began to reassure her, "I don't see any blood stains and I can't smell it" he continued, trying to reassure her somehow; Ophelia looked at her hands and clothes, she was actually clean, there was no blood anywhere, she breathed a sigh of relief

"I... I don't know how it happened, Scott didn't understand me, he pretended to be right not understanding the danger... that he runs, I... I didn't even want all this! It gave me nothing, nothing changed... if- except the fact that now I could potentially kill someone if I lose control!" Ophelia started rambling in panic while Derek looked at her confused not understanding well what she was saying; she gestured, spoke and she even cried out of nervousness, whereupon she throw herself to hug the boy in front of her who remained stunned a few minutes, still as a stake and then with a little stiffness coolly reciprocate the embrace until she spontaneously got away from him

"No, no, I'm... I'm fine, I... nothing happened, I didn't do anything wrong, right? Right... there's no blood, no smell of blood, so it's all right," she started babbling again and the boy kept not understanding what she was saying but he kept following her

"No, Ophelia, something happened, you lost control and keep everything in is not gonna help, indeed you could become a time bomb ready to explode" Derek blocked the endless flow of words that were coming out of her mouth who turned toward him

"I... how" she tried to say but somehow she wasn't able to find the right words, she did not want to 'explode' risking to hurt her friends, Derek ignored those last words and brought her home

It was night, Ophelia and Rory were in the school parking lot, they wanted to have a different night, and sneaking into a bus was the best idea they could come up with. They got on the bus, they were laughing and joking, talking about everything and nothing, they were having fun, until Ophelia got claws out

"Hey, what's the matter?" Rory asked frowning her bow, not understanding why her friend had left so abruptly; Ophelia was breathing harshly, trying to keep control, but she could not

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