3x08: Visionary

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It had been a few days since Boyd's death and Ophelia was back in the loft with Derek, the guys had decided it was the right time to talk. The girl knew that what happened to Boyd had been a blow to Derek and on the one hand she hoped to help him get better. When the boy opened the door to her he was visibly nervous, he passed a hand behind the back of his neck and let her in

"Ophelia, I wanted to apologize. I was wrong not to tell you about the plan to attack the pack of Alphas and for not telling you, or anyone else, anyone that I was alive" Derek froze for a moment looking at Ophelia who was leaning against the edge of the table next to the windowed wall of the loft "It was dangerous and I... I thought that..." the boy started talking as soon as he heard the sound of the door closing. Derek didn't know how to finish the sentence but Ophelia remained tense

"No, I don't think you really thought. I... I can't even begin to understand why you would throw yourself into such a thing! With or without me it would have been dangerous, those are murderers... And even less do I understand why you didn't want to involve me"the girl was nervous and gesturing, that question burned on her tongue, she had thought for hours before falling asleep looking for a reasonable motivation and those few that had come to mind were really idiotic reasons

"I knew what risks I was taking. I know that pack, and like you said, with or without you, it wouldn't change anything"Derek had returned to his usual detached, rock-hard tone, but his expression and hands betrayed how tense and nervous he really was

"I know that, but the question is, why not me? Because you asked anyone to help you but not me, you even told Scott and Isaac not to tell me anything!" Ophelia walked to be perfectly in front of the boy who was sitting on one of the steps of the spiral staircase leading upstairs; Derek looked up at her

"Because I wanted to protect you! You sometimes don't think, you act out of some unknown reason and... and you get reckless, you put yourself in danger"the boy had snapped on his feet perhaps not even realizing the tone with which he had almost screamed those words, but he saw the face of Ophelia frowning, she did not understand and remained silent looking away from him for a moment

"I had proof with Kali. You jumped on her without thinking ... if" Derek looked up and stopped, "If she had wanted to, she would've killed you, you know? I am so tired. All the people who are near me either get hurt or turn out to be psychopaths" the boy was visibly tired and let himself fall back on the step passing his hands on his face exasperated by all the chaos that had been in his head for a long time

"Derek, what happened wasn't your fault. You couldn't know that Kate was a psychopath, and it's not your fault that Boyd and Erica chose to leave, and that's why they were captured by the Alphas, it was their choice. And for Boyd... you know you didn't kill him willingly, you didn't choose, and Kali would sacrifice him no matter what, to join their pack you had to kill your beta, and I'm not"This time it was the girl who lowered to be at the same height of Derek's face, wanted to look him straight in the eyes, she really thought those things, she believed him innocent, but he shook his head

"I'm not that innocent, Ophi. I have already killed an innocent... when I was fifteen years old", the boy finally said, looking down, he did not want to see the shocked expression that the girl would do and winced when he felt two cold fingertips touching his chin to make him pull his face up. His heart had started to beat fast and strong, that light contact so unexpected had triggered in Derek such an unusual reaction, he was speechless. Ophelia had stood in front of him and her eyes were not at all afraid, far from it, she kept looking at him with an attentive and intense look

"I'm sure there's an explanation, you're not a killer. You wouldn't have this look if you were" at that moment Derek, suddenly, pulled back standing up and placing a certain distance between him and Ophelia forcing himself mentally to learn to keep that distance

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