1x12: Code Breaker

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Scott landed on both cars and slowly, very slowly looked up at Allison who, terrified, watched the scene from inside the bus; then Argent, her father, decided to end it all and honked his horn, then Scott jumped on the bus and began to run followed by Ophelia, who had also turned
Meanwhile in the lacrosse field Lydia was still laying on the ground and Stiles under threat; Peter warned them that they should help him find Derek without trying to double-cross, almost recommending himself, as if he didn't want to get rid of them at the first opportunity

"We... we can't leave her there!" tried to impose Stiles pointing Lydia to the ground, covered with blood and unconscious; Peter looked at him a moment then, after cleaning his mouth from the blood of the girl, got close to him a few inches from his face

"Call Jackson is the only thing you can do" Peter allowed him, before disappearing and taking the two kids with him to help him find the way to find Derek

"If she lives she will become a werewolf" broke the religious silence that reigned in the car Peter; receiving an astonished look from Rory and Stiles

"Great, she's gonna freak out once a month," commented the girl sarcastically back in the back seat of the car

"Oh considering she's a woman" tried to be even nice the Alpha, who had just threatened to kill them, shortly after he bit their friend. The three arrived at an indoor parking lot and Peter went down to get a laptop to give to Stiles and Rory to find what he needs to get to Derek

"You need Ophelia's username and password and I don't know them," Rory told him after logging into the PC and connecting to the network

"You know them both," replied the elder, annoyed, without even looking at her

"No that's not true," she insisted, trying to be as convincing as possible, while Stiles watched her frown

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I'd know you were lying," Peter was starting to get impatient, he didn't have time to waste, it wasn't the time to sit there and play stupid, useless games

"I swear!" she continued, so much so that even Stiles for a moment believed her words, but he did not dare to open his mouth; he did not make it in time. Peter took the girl by the hair and slammed her head against the hood of Stiles' car on which they were resting with the computer

Stiles gasped and tried to take the arm of Peter who looked at him with an eyebrow raised, since it was obvious that he would not be able to stop him, the man was becoming quite impatient, but at least he had convinced the two to cooperate

"What are you gonna do when you find Derek? Are you gonna kill people?" asked the boy while Rory, who had convinced herself to collaborate with Peter wrote, turned to Peter hateful looks

"It's none of your business, and you... write!" Peter passed his crystalline eyes from boy to girl, eventually yelling at her. Rory was furious, she hated the situation, she hated not being able to do anything, even though she knew she could do something

Initially she tried to hold Peter's gaze, trying with all of herself to get out those strange powers she had recently discovered she had, but nothing, they gave no sign of wanting to make their entrance, so she started writing again

"If we do, you must swear to me that you will leave Ophelia and Scott alone," the girl uttered a word, stopping for a moment and turning another hateful look at Peter, who replied that he needed them, so he would have left them alive

"Oh, but they really keep him in their house" Stiles intruded observing the page, just appeared, on the pc

"No, not inside, underneath," Peter ran, and then he pointed his ear at something, but neither Rory nor Stiles understood what

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