2x07: Restraint

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It was a night to say the least exhausting for everyone, since they had spent it at the police station because of Austin who had reported them. As soon as Chris set foot in the sheriff's office he lashed out at his sister, the two siblings started yelling at each other without letting any of the attendees get in the way

After a short time, Melissa also arrived, and worried went to her daughter; Ophelia, at the sight of her mother, went to meet her, the woman hugged her and held her close. Melissa had no idea what was going on and she was rightly worried about her children

"What the hell happened?" she asked then, her gaze fell on the sheriff who reached her and finally managed to escape from the office where the two Argents kept fighting

"Well, Austin turned the kids in, but it turns out he did it in spite of his cousin or as a joke. Excuse me", he then added, seeing that the tones of the two in his office were getting too much and he could not allow them to go further

In conclusion, the guys got away with it because it seemed that Austin had made it up. The children were finally free to return home without repercussions other than some recommendation from the parents and some questions to understand what had actually happened

Shortly before his friends returned home, Rory, who had joined them at the station with Allison's father, she managed to inform them of what Lydia had translated from the bestiary: Austin was not looking for a friend but a master, so he was controlled by someone when he was Kanima

From that moment on they would have to look for his master, as well as try to prevent him from committing other murders

Once out of the station Melissa stopped for a moment and the two boys in front of her. He asked them to explain to her how things had gone, what that 'joke' was and how he had thought to do such a thing

"Kids, I don't recognize you anymore! You got worse in school, I had to pray to Professor Harris to make you recover the test..." Melissa did not understand what was happening, it was long since she saw her children changed; initially she turned to Scott who looked at her sorry "And you, Ophelia, I...I really do not know what to think. You didn't come home for two weeks, barely answering the phone, I had no idea where you were!" the woman almost screamed in front of them

The girl felt terribly guilty, she never wanted to make her mother feel bad no matter what had happened, she didn't deserve it. Ophelia with tears in her eyes, seeing her mother in that state because of them, approached her and, this time it was she who embraced the woman, Scott joined them and held them both in his arms. After that little outburst, the three of them went home together

"Stiles" the boy was recalled by his father, as he tried to leave the office, so he turned to him

"Yes, Dad," he replied with a tone that was not very serious, in contrast to the expression of his father, who kept looking at him without uttering a word

"How do you explain the theft of the prisoner transport van?" the sheriff asked raising eyebrows, whether or not it was a joke it was a serious action to take

"Ah, it was part of the joke," the boy tried to justify himself, the father ran a hand over his face, he was tried by that night. The look he turned to his son was of disappointment and resignation, he no longer knew what to say; so he signaled to the boy before him that he could go

Stiles decided to leave the station and went home with Rory, once arrived in his room, the girl noticed that her boyfriend was particularly agitated, he kept walking around the room giving her a big headache

"Stiles, what's going on?" she asked him getting out of bed and positioning herself in front of him, so as to prevent him from continuing to go back and forth in that annoyingly insistent way, while the gears of his brain were building castles bigger than they should

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