3x07: Currents

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The car ride seemed to last longer than usual, no one said a word, Stiles drove with Rory beside him while Scott, sat behind him, was sleeping, too tired to assimilate that information, and then there was Ophelia, staring out the window, 'he didn't tell you he was alive... but he slept with another woman' 'What did you expect from him?' 'What do you really want from Derek?'

The girl shook her head several times trying to drive out those thoughts, she had decided that she did not want to know the answer, as if she feared to hear those words, but she had no idea why she was so scared. As soon as the car stopped, in front of the McCall driveway, Ophelia opened the door and went straight home, she didn't want to talk, she didn't want to have to answer other questions than the ones she already had to figure out

Once in the room Ophelia dropped dead on the bed, she snorted letting her face sink into the pillow, she did not lift her head even when she heard the door open and close, she knew that Rory would follow her

"Ophi... let it all. out" her friend told her, standing with her arms folded, watching Ophelia's body lying motionless on the bed

"I'm fine, don't worry. I'm just tired" mumbled the werewolf without getting up or moving an inch, so Rory got closer and sat down on the ved next to her best friend

"Ophi, I know you and I saw your expression earlier, you're not okay" Rory found herself rolling her eyes to the sky while sighing, she knew how hard it was for her best friend to ope up about her feelings and how long it would take her to admit what she was really feeling

"Well, honestly how... how could I? I just saw Derek having sex with our English teacher! Does that seem normal to you? It's something I never wanted to see!" Ophelia jumped on with an expression that was a mixture between disgust and anger, Rory was increasingly convinced that she had understood what the real problem was "And then... he didn't. tell anyone! We thought he was dead, I... but could he do it? How could he be so selfish? But yeah of course, let's go sleep with our English teacher... yeah because that's what matter, isn't it?" continued undaunted the girl without giving time to her friend to replicate

"Derek is free to sleep with whoever he wants, you know" Rory said to Ophelia raising her eyebrows, seeing the Ophelia's determination falter, it was as if she knew it, but she did not want to admit aloud the truth to herself

"Yes, of course! But not with my English teacher, come on! How will I ever be able take her seriously again? I wonder what she did with the same mouth she explains. And then no eww... that sucks" the girl kept making crazy faces and so much exaggerated that Rory at some point had to refrain herself  from laughing

"Okay, that's something I did not wanna see, not even in my head! So the problem is that Derek slept with miss Blake, our teacher" Rory concluded based on her friend's words, who gave her a distant and estranged look 

"Yes... No! Wait! No, that's not the problem. Derek should have informed us, texted us, told us something somehow!" Ophelia started to mumble again in a state of confusing chaos where even she didn't know what she really meant and what the main problem was

"Ophi... isn't it that you're, somehow, interested in Derek?" The girl sighed exasperated, she wanted to try to reason with her friend without immediately slamming reality in her face, but her obstinacy was too much. Ophelia's expression went from shocked to embarrassed in a short time, causing her to look away from Rory putting her face in her hands

"No. I'm still with Isaac" Ophelia would have liked to add 'At least I think so, even if we haven't spoken in a while' but decided to keep it to herself and just say what she believed to be true

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