3x11: Alpha Pact

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After this had happened the girl was silent as she went down the stairs of the hospital accompanied by Stiles, who instead had not yet stopped talking

"Rory answered me. She, your brother, Cora, Isaac and the Argent are safe away from here", the boy told her continuing to walk and, as if he realized only then Stiles noticed the heavy silence that enveloped his friend. He stopped in front of her and laid his hands on her shoulders, the girl, caught by surprise, looked at him frowning

"It's not your fault, it's her who is crazy," the boy tried to comfort her, giving her a serious and decisive look that made her sigh, she knew very well that the boy was right, but she couldn't get the guilt off her shoulders

"I know, but..." the girl admitted, but Stiles suddenly turned and began to go down the steps two by two, so the girl remained a moment puzzled not understanding what he was doing. After a few moments she decided to follow him, but surely she never expected to see what was in front of her: Stiles was slapping Derek. The older boy stretched out exactly as she had left him just before... and now he wasn't moving, he was just laying there, helpless as Stiles slapped him, her sight was clouded, she could not bring herself to take a step forward and a lump stuck in her throat

"Where is she?!" the voice of Derek suddenly fell on Ophelia who was still standing like a statue, did not see the boy, as her eyes filled with tears

"Jennifer has disappeared and took..." Stiles tried to explain immediately, but Derek interrupted him immediately "Ophelia, where is Ophelia?" and the girl felt the lump in her throat swell, but finally she could walk

The girl came up to the two boys sitting on the floor in the elevator and collapsed in front of Derek, crying tightly in his arms. The girl felt the weight of guilt crush her and at the same time she felt so relieved to see that Derek was alive, that he could not hold back the tears

Stiles observed the scene feeling too much, but did not dare to move an inch, so he looked away without saying anything, then Ophelia suddenly pulled away with her face wet with tears and worry in her eyes

"You have to get out of here. Now! The police will be coming" Ophelia tried to drag Derek to his feet, so Stiles followed them getting up in turn, the girl was right

"My sister..." the boy opened his mouth, but the girl next to him preceded him "She is with the others, they are not very far from here, but they are all well, they are not in danger. Now you have to go join them," she said as she walked down the hallway followed by Stiles who was preparing to receive his father's colleagues, looking for a plausible excuse for what had happened

When the police arrived, Stiles told Ophelia that he did not know any of those people and that they were not colleagues of his father, so the two became tense

"Oh no" Stiles slammed a hand on her face, Ophelia not understanding what she was referring to moved her gaze to the point where she was looking and what she saw did not like at all

"I'm leaving," said the girl, standing up, but the man had already caught up to them and managed to grab her by the arm and prevent her from leaving

"Don't touch me" the girl's voice was full of anger, a rage so deep and past that even Stiles was surprised of her, it was known that she hated her father ever since he had left them, but at that moment she seemed ready to jump on him

"Ophelia, I just want to understand what happened here and why your father is not reachable for days" the man referred first to his daughter and then directly to Stiles

"I don't know, I haven't seen and heard from him in hours" replied the boy, crossing his arms across his chest, in the man's tone there was almost an accusation that hit the boy who immediately became defensive

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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