3x05: Frayed

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The two girls were watching a movie on the couch in Ophelia's living room, they had also made some popcorn and bought some pretzels and soft drinks; they had chosen to watch a rom-com, something funny, they both needed some lightheartedness after all that had happened recently

Then the sound of the door opening interrupted them, Ophelia's eyes fell on Scott's shirt, where a dark spot was widening more and more, the boy who was helping Scott to walk said something but the girl did not hear him

Ophelia got up from the couch, she felt all muffled, in her head she kept asking herself: why wasn't her brother healing? He was a werewolf, why didn't he heal?

The werewolf stared into her brother's eyes, but she saw us far more than he expected, Scott looked sorry and not sore or suffering. The girl took little notice and laid her hand on the boy's wound absorbing his pain, but it seemed not to be of much use; at that moment the girl felt tugged by someone: Isaac

"We just need to medicate him and wrap his wound. Taking his pain won't make him heal sooner, okay?" the boy was talking to her in a calm tone while Rory had replaced him to hold Scott's body, trying to help him climb the stairs to go to the bathroom to disinfect the wound; Ophelia followed him but a feeling continued to graze her stomach, so once they got upstairs, while Rory was disinfecting Scott's wound, she turned to Isaac

"What happened?" finally asked the girl passing the concerned look between her brother, who complained about the dressing of the wound, and her boyfriend, who at those words lowered his gaze staring at the floor, so the girl stared at Scott

"Ophi..." sighed the boy with the gauze to cover the wound: it wasn't healing heal, only the wound inflicted by an Alpha did not heal immediately, the Alphas pack. Ophelia felt her heart beating in her ears, she could hear her heartbeat above the others, it was beating faster and faster and stronger: she was afraid, but of what? She didn't understand why she was afraid, so afraid...

"The Alphas... killed Derek. Actually, he threw himself at Ennis, they fell together, and..."the girl couldn't move, couldn't breath, she stared motionless at her brother, she did not know what to say, what to think, she felt her heart turn cold, like all of a sudden it had turned into ice, making it impossible for her to make any sort of movement

Isaac, who had stood next to her, tried to hug her, to hold her in his arms, but the boy's touch was like fire on her skin so she immediately pulled away, slipped away from his arms to be able to look him right in the eye

Derek was dead. Derek was dead because of the Alphas. Why were Scott and Isaac with him? Why didn't they call her? Were they with Derek when they attacked him at the loft? Ophelia was starting to lose it

"How?" she managed to ask, interrupting the thick and heavy silence that had been created since Scott had revealed what had happened that night, even Rory had a shocked expression, she also could not understand how it had happened

"See, we had a plan, we found out where they live and..." Isaac spoke, but Ophelia stopped at the first sentence, his blood thawed in his veins, now he felt a deep and repressed anger that salivated more and more, burning her skin in the hope of pouring out of her body

"A plan? A plan?! And why the hell was I not informed of it?!" the girl had raised her voice so much, without even realizing it, she looked at Isaac hurt and mad

"Ophi... You would have stopped us" Scott stepped in and put his hand on her shoulder, but the girl pulled away from his touch too, she was so angry, disappointed and hurt, but what she felt in her head was much worse than anything that others could actually feel from the outside: she didn't protect him. Derek was dead, how could she not know they were hiding something? She couldn't protect him and her brother was hurt, who was next? She had failed, it was her fault he was dead, she was supposed to protect him
"Ophi, calm down" Rory's voice was delicate and cautious while the girl did not tear her eyes off her, she kept looking at her it as if it was a time bomb with the timer on the last ten seconds

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