1x07: Night School

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They had run into the school and closed the doors behind them, but it was obvious that this would not stop the Alpha; they gave themselves just enough time to take a breath while Stiles tried to block the doors with the cutters he had brought behind him to open the lock that usually closed the doors of the school at night

"I don't think those will hold," Ophelia remarked, looking at the door and that little tool; in a moment of silence a howl was heard and the four friends, frightened, they ran to the first room that they could find

"Chair!" ordered Stiles, grabbing it from one side while Scott took her from the other, starting to drag her to the door of the room to block her; in the meantime the girls were taking desks, then Stiles stopped for a moment

"The door won't hold for long" the boy commented after thinking about it for a moment, "It's your boss," he added, looking at the friend who looked at him surprised and bewildered by his words, they had gone there to prove to Derek that Deaton wasn't the Alpha!

"What? No, no!" Scott couldn't think that the kind, helpful man who was his boss was actually a crazy psychopath who enjoyed killing and tearing people apart

"Yes! Deaton, your boss, is the Alpha psychopath!" It was Rory to talk agitated by all that situation, she had lived there for just a few months and shad already risked her life countless of times; she looked down from Scott to the floor, carrying her arms to her chest and starting to walk around the room doing back and forth

"It can't be him!" insisted Scott convinced of what he was saying, it was not possible, Deaton was not this way, he was not evil and power-hungry like the Alpha

"Come on! Appears the Alpha that makes Derek do a flight of six meters and suddenly he disappears?! What a terrible coincidence!" Ophelia intervened underlining the evidence of the facts that had just happened before their eyes: Derek pierced behind the back by claws, the shocked expression on his face followed by the blood that dripping slowly from his mouth and behind him those bloody red eyes

"It's not him!" continued her brother passing the gaze determined from Rory to his sister, who stopped motionlessly in front of him sighed against his stubbornness

"He killed Derek!" began Stiles opening his arms as to emphasize the death of the boy, a similar evidence was enough to go from innocent to Alpha killer

"He... he's not dead! He can't die!" Scott was panicking, began to realize what had really happened just before in the schoolyard, all because of their stupid plan to roar in the school speaker

"Oh sure! I saw it, the blood coming out of his mouth, he pierced him with his claws, it didn't look like a simple scratch to me!" spoke again Ophelia incredulous to the words of her brother, he really thought that Derek and them were immortal?

"He's dead and now it's up to us" It was Stiles to clarify the situation in the most drastic and dramatic way that there could be passing a firm look on all present in front of him

"All right, what do we do now?" asked Scott bitterly, surrendering to the evidence of the facts that his friends had thrown in front of him, as much as he did not want to believe it made sense, Deaton disappears from the car and shortly after the Alpha appears and kills Derek... it made damn sense

"We run to the jeep, we get out of here, and you seriously think about changing jobs," Stiles replied, staring at the friend who kept his head down, they were all agitated, running to the jeep would have been a challenge just for Scott and Ophelia who were two werewolves, but what would Rory and Stiles do?

"Stiles... what's with the hood of your jeep?" Rory, who had looked out of the window to see how much they would actually have to run to get to the car, asked

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