1x06: Heart Monitor

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It was a quiet evening and Ophelia had gone to do some shopping for her and her brother since the fridge was empty, now she just just had to find the car and go home. While she was looking for the car, her shopping bags fell on the ground and a bottle of milk rolled under another car, so she bent down to get it, but this came back... cut open, it had a claw mark, her heart started to throb in her chest and she started to run as fast as she could, she could feel it following her

She ran to the supermarket's covered parking lot and thought she'd make as much noise as she could so it couldn't hear her heartbeat anymore, so she started driving through cars with the alarms going off, then she managed to hide behind a car trying to calm himself and her heartbeat... drin-drin-drin Scott

"Oh no, no, shut up!" she whispered, turning off the phone, but then she was lifted from her shoulders and slammed into the car behind which she was hidden, her expression when she saw Derek's blue eyes looking sternly at her was a mixture of relief and confusion

"You'd be dead," he said, getting up from the car and walking into the parking lot followed by a bewildered Ophelia
"What were you trying to do!?" she was exasperated, but what the hell was he thinking? He gave her a heart attack, her heart was till pounding in her chest!

"I told you I would teach you," stated the boy in front of her, as if his assault attempt was normal, the girl was gaping, she had no words, did not really know what to say

"You scared the shit out of me!" she yelled, her voice a little louder than usual because of the hysteria and nerves that were mounting inside her

"Not yet," he commented, looking at her head to toe as if he were really checking if she was still alive

"Okay, but I was quick, wasn't I?" she tried to cheer herself up and kept following him through the cars

"Not enough," he said, she was stunned, was she kidding?

"Okay, but the anti-theft strategy was effective!" she insisted, starting to get nervous as she tried to keep up with him

"Yes, apart from the phone" Derek undaunted went on his way and the girl was really getting annoyed

"Yeah, I mean... but it was.... hey, do you want to stop for just one second?" she blurted out, holding him by the shoulder and forcing him to turn around

"I can't risk... acting like Scott, losing control, assaulting someone... I don't want to hurt anyone, and you have to teach me how to be in control as soon as possible!" the girl was on the verge of a nervous breakdown, she couldn't take it anymore, being constantly afraid to hurt the people she loved was not easy to bear

"Listen, I was born this way; teaching all this to one who has just been bitten takes time! I don't even know if I will..." explained the boy in front of her, admitting, in the end that even he was not sure what he was doing

"What should I do?" Ophelia was quite desperate, ready for anything to keep her in control
"Free yourself from distractions; stop thinking about what your brother does, he will make his own choices, and you must learn to take yours," Derek said, after taking her phone from her hands and seeing Scott's missed call

"But it's..." she tried to say, "Don't worry about him, learn to live your life, or do you want to be forever Scott's shadow, your brother's pet?" Derek was teasing her and if his goal was to irritate her even more, he had managed great

"Are you angry? It's your first lesson, if you want to learn to control yourself you have to do it through anger. You have to exploit your primal anger, and you can't if you keep thinking about what he does!" Derek was screaming, he wanted the girl in front of him to get angry and start to understand what it really meant to control herself

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