1x08: Lunatic

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It was about a week that Scott had a long snout and had barely left his room; Ophelia was quite worried about him so she decided to go check on him

"Scott, can I come in?" she tried, she was quite sure that he would send her to away, but she did not receive an answer "Okay, who is silent consents" she decreed opening the door that revealed a Scott completely covered by the duvet, that Ophelia with her innate grace moved from the face of her brother, who was awake

"Oh, look at that pretty face hiding here!" rejoiced, trying not to laugh at the funny and displeased expression that her brother was addressing

"You know that if a person doesn't answer, it doesn't mean that you are authorized you to break into his room" he retorted, but she returned with a radiant smile that almost disgusted the boy

"But you know me," the girl replied with simplicity, as if it were obvious that she would enter that room a regardless of the answer

"Yes, I have my whole life and I know you're one of the biggest ball busters on the planet," the boy continued, looking at her, waiting for a reply, he was trying to annoy her a little bit, so maybe she would leave him alone

"Oh, that's flattering! Want a demonstration?" the girl stood at the game, amused watching the brother who once he understood her intentions threw a warning look at her

"Ophi no! We're not ten anymore!" he had barely time to say before the girl threw herself on him hitting him with the pillow that she had brought behind her from her room; the boy taken to cushions answered the fire striking in turn, so they started to play and for a moment they were children again

Melissa, who was going to call her children for school, as they hadn't come down yet, found herself smiling softly at the scene of her children playing like they used to, her heart tightened

"Okay, okay, I see we're finally awake," she finally decided to step in after a while; her words brought the twins back to reality so they stopped hitting each other and decreed a truce

"Yes yes, we are awake" they managed to say trying to stop laughing and looking at each other, it's been a while since Scott laughed or smiled so happy

Stiles was in front of school with Rory, they were sitting on a bench while they were waiting for the other two, it was quite early and they had time before the lessons started

"So... you've been doing that for a while" Stiles said out of the blue, making the girl, who had not understood what he was talking about, frown, so she looked at him confused

"I'm talking about the red rays coming out of your hands" the boy was way too specific, so much so that the girl gave him a slap on the arm in sign of protest

"You said we'd never talk about it again," she reminded him of his words two days earlier

"Oh, no. I said I wouldn't talk about it with the others; I didn't say anything about talking to you or about doing researches on my own" he justified himself by looking at the girl's bewildered face; she was starting to believe that Stiles would make a very good lawyer in the future

"For a while, but they weren't red rays, as you say, they were mere coincidences" decided that it was the case to tell him what little she knew, as it was useless to avoid the subject since Stiles would continue to ask her questions

"What do you mean?" insisted the boy extremely intrigued by the topic

"I noticed that sometimes where I am pictures or things, that nobody has touched, tend to fall down; but that's enough," she added seeing the McCall twins arrive from the parking lot

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