3x01: Tattoo

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It had been about a week since Austin's tragic death and it had been about a week since Rory had last left her room. That night, the girl didn't just lose her best friend, the person she knew the most, the one she had shared most of what had happened to her since she had arrived in New York, that night she had let her powers take over and she exploded like a bomb

When she looked away from Austin's body she saw her friends on the ground, she didn't understand at first, then she realized that there was a halo of reddish light around her: she did it. Ophelia, initially tried to approach her, cautiously, but the girl ignored her completely and her gaze ended on Stiles, the boy was holding his arm to his chest

Rory had refused to leave her room ever since that moment, she had allowed her powers to hurt her friends and she did not want it to happen again, especially in that moment, when she still didn't have control control over her own powers

Stiles and Ophelia in that week did not stop coming to her house, knocking and trying to get her to open the door, they had spent whole afternoons talking to the door of her room

That afternoon Rory, locked in her room, heard footsteps climb the stairs of the house and understood that Ophelia had arrived, then she heard the girl greet Stiles, who had been at her house since that morning

"Hello Rory!" Rory snorted, it was almost unnerving that the two went to her place every day to try to talk to her, to reason with her and to get her out of there, they did not understand that she was just trying to protect them?

"You guys could go and enjoy the holidays instead of just standing here and talking to my bedroom door," she replied a little bitterly, throwing herself on the bed of the room and sinking her face into the pillow

"How are you feeling today?" Rory had not told them what was really going on: it seemed that the 'barrier' that before, at least in part, held back her powers, had dissolved. At that moment for every little thing her eyes shone or that strange reddish aura formed around her hands, sometimes it had even happened that she broke something with her red rays

"Rory, I'm really worried about you. I know that you had no intention of hurting us, and I know that right now what you're going through is impossible, difficult and painful. But if you get out of here... we could try to help you... we'd do anything to make you feel better" Ophelia's words felt like a slap, a very painful slap, she was moved, she appreciated their thoughtfulness and their concern for her but she wasn't the one who risked getting hurt if that door opened

Austin also wanted to help me... he wanted to make me feel better, he wanted to be my friend and he did everything for me... and now he's dead- thought Rory starting to see blurry, warm tears began to wet the white pillow of her bed, but soon that pain turned into anger and the pillow ended up flying across the room dropping a statuette that was resting on the girl's desk

"Rory! What was that sound?! Rory, are you okay?" immediately Stiles and Ophelia got worried, but the girl did not answer, in tears, sitting at the foot of the bed with her knees tight to her chest

That evening the girls had gone to play bowling, often they had exclusively "girls nights", very often at Lydia's place, since she was the only one who had the pool and in summer it was an excellent solution to the atrocious heat that there was in Beacon Hills

"Have you seen Derek since what happened?" asked Rory curious, since Gerard had made that speech to Derek, where he had talked about Ophelia, both Rory and Lydia insisted on knowing if something had ever happened between the two

"No, I have no idea where he is" Ophelia replied briefly, knowing perfectly where the girls wanted to go, so she sighed defeated as soon as she heard Lydia shake in the back of Rory's car

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