3x04: Unleashed

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The next morning the teenagers showed up at school as usual, as if nothing happened the night before. Stiles was still upset about Heather's death, he told Rory he didn't want to talk about it, so the girl decided not to bring it up. Isaac was bitter, did not know what to do, he did not understand if he was the one in doubt about Ophelia's feelings or if if his doubts were justified. Upset, the boy realized that it was late, so he ran to the locker room of the lacrosse team, he almost ran over Ophelia who, as long with Rory was heading very quietly to their respective lockers to lay there their things: that day they had decided to attend the cross-country race that would be held about an hour later, while the members of the lacrosse team were obliged to participate

"Ophi, how's it going with Isaac? Yesterday I saw that you two just left, everything all right?" Rory walked by Ophelia's side and noticed her friend's gaze as the boy walked by. To that question the girl did not know what to answer, she didn't know either. Ophelia was not mad at Isaac, certainly she had not been pleased about what he had implied, but she had already forgiven him, for her everything was fine, or at least so she kept repeating to herself

"He has doubts about my feelings for him, but yesterday I removed all doubts. I'm sure I'm in love with him"admitted finally Ophelia, trying to be honest even with herself, she saw that Rory frowned, not understanding the motivation of the concern of the boy and the sudden conclusion of her friend; Ophelia seemed to try to convince more herself than Rory

"Did he tell you why he thinks that?" the girl tried to investigate further, noticing that Ophelia had lowered her head so she stopped in front of her, she wanted to get to the bottom of the matter and understand what was really going on with her best friend

"He brought up Derek: the words that Gerard said about him and me" the girl was honest, speaking quickly while she was adjusting the queue that had just formed for the race, she knew she had left out the fact that the boy had said 'I love you'. What caught Ophelia most off guard was the way the boy had spoken those two words, almost as if it were a plea, a plea not to leave him? To be honest with him? Ophelia couldn't understand

Before Rory could reply, the two girls saw Allison passing them by, the girl quickly walked towards Lydia, standing at her locker, not far from them. The two friens stood still and stared at them as if they had been struck by a paralyzing spell. They watched Lydia and Allison speak, it was clear that Lydia was a little uncomfortable, but remained silent listening to the huntress without blinking

"Ophi, what are they saying?" asked Rory, without looking away from the hunter, it was clear that in her there was still a suppressed anger towards the girl who had killed her best friend

"Rory, we can't control everything he does. I don't think she wants to hurt Lydia..." the werewolf told her, but Rory completely ignored her since Lydia was heading toward them

"Hello girls. Oh, did you finally decide to attend the cross-country race?" Lydia smiled at them ignoring Rory's somewhat drawn expression, so Ophelia intervened before Rory could begin give her the third degree on what she had said with Allison, answering the girl 'yes'

"Then I'll see you later," Lydia smiled as she greeted them and went to class, while the other two girls headed towards the school courtyard, then from there they would move to the woods, where they would have to do the actual cross-country run

The two girls followed the rest of the boys from the school who participated in the race and, once they arrived in the woods they began to warm up and do a little stretching, they found out that there were many students participating. Rory and Ophelia were then joined by Scott and Stiles, who were already ready to run

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