3x06: Motel California

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Almost everyone on the bus were asleep since it was getting late; in the vehicle, there was a certain silence interrupted by some sighs and someone snoring a bit louder, apart from that, it was very quiet and peaceful.

Ophelia was half-asleep, but she couldn't really fall asleep, she was too nervous, she kept opening her eyes and then closing them after checking on Scott. The boy had fallen asleep in his sister's arms, who had her back against the window pane and her feet on the seat, with Scott laying on her.

When they were children, that was Ophelia's favorite position to watch movies on the couch with their mom and dad, but in that case, she and Scott were reversed, it was him holding her close; Ophelia loved the feeling of protection she felt every time.

Just behind them were Stiles and Rory, who had tenderly fallen asleep with one head resting on the other's and their hands intertwined.

That peace was brutally swept away by the coach who started cursing loudly, waking most of the kids abruptly: the game had been postponed due to the risk of a hurricane; so, despite himself, the coach had to find a motel to let the kids sleep.

Once the bus stopped in front of the chosen motel, the kids, a little sore from the positions they had slept in until a few minutes before, were told to get off.

"Mmm, great. It's really..." commented Ophelia, with a disgusted expression, as soon as she set foot on the ground of the motel parking lot.

"Rustic? Horrible? Repugnant? Macabre?" intervened Stiles, equally disgusted, observing the motel in front of them with a hint of skepticism. The kids' comments were interrupted by the coach, who ordered them to pair up and take a key, forcing them to split up by gender, so Rory and Ophelia went together and Scott went with Stiles.

The stream of kids walked away the moment they got the keys to their rooms, heading towards a metal staircase that led to a sort of balcony which would take them to their rooms. When Ophelia and Rory opened the door to their room, they stood still for a moment on the threshold; the room was dark and dusty, emitting a musty smell.

"Perfect," commented the werewolf as she entered the room and turned on the light, revealing two identical beds positioned side by side and a slightly peeling white door: the bathroom door.

The girls left the few things they had brought with them on the bed, sighing and throwing themselves onto it; at least it seemed comfortable enough.

"I'm going to take a shower," decided Ophelia, getting up from the bed and heading towards the bathroom, where she found a shower; impatiently, she began searching for a towel she could use.
"Rory, are there any towels over there?" she asked her friend, who had stayed in the other room and joined her by appearing in the doorway.

"No, there are no towels in the room," the girl quickly scanned the bathroom with her eyes, but didn't even see the shadow of a towel.

"Ophi, you take a shower, I'll go to the reception to ask if they'll give us some towels," Rory proposed, observing her friend's resigned expression, who nodded in gratitude.

The girl went down and entered the motel lobby, which was also dark and neglected. She approached the reception where she was immediately greeted by a gray-haired woman.

"Excuse me, but there are no towels in our room, could I have two?" Rory politely asked, while the woman gave her a somewhat strained smile.

"I'm sorry, dear. Yes, of course," replied the old lady, disappearing behind a door on the opposite side of the room. Left alone, Rory looked around a bit: the reception was separated from the lobby by a sort of plastic panel with a hole from which the woman had spoken to her earlier, but what caught the girl's attention was a strange number attached to the wall, it read: 198.

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