2x02: Shape Shifted

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That morning was strangely mild for winter, Rory had just gotten out of the car of her best friend who had gone to pick her up that morning. The boys were walking in the parking lot and Austin was focused on quickly writing a few messages on the phone; they were about to enter the school, when the girl saw Ophelia and Scott meet her

"Rory! Oh my God, I'm sorry I call you back last night..." the girl started babbling, hugging her as soon as she was close enough, but she was interrupted by a Scott quite amused "She got lost in the woods..."

Rory faded to the boy's words and immediately plugged his mouth with his hand, hoping that Austin had not heard him, she turned slowly in the direction of the newcomer with her heart racing, but to her great relief she noticed that he was still staring intently at the phone screen and that he probably hadn't heard anything about what her friend had said

The girl seeing the questioning looks of her two friends, turned to the boy behind her, shook Austin who, looking up at her friend, saw two pairs of eyes unknown to him staring at him. Instinctively blushed at the embarrassment of the situation that had arisen, he did not like to be the center of attention, he also was not listening and had no idea at all what they had said, so he smiled at them embarrassed to say the least

Ophelia's expression changed the moment her eyes rested better on the figure next to Rory, she looked at him from head to toe and recognized him: he was the boy who was at Kate's funeral and who had seen the night before in the woods, when Allison's grandfather killed that Omega

"Nice to meet you, I'm Austin," he introduced himself, first extending his hand to Scott who squeezed it, embracing his cordial smile, and then extending it to Ophelia, with the same expression on his face; the girl tried to hold back as much as possible and reciprocate his smile by shaking his hand and presenting herself in turn

At that moment behind Austin, Stiles was approaching with a confused and attentive look, watching the unknown boy next to Rory, too close to Rory for his liking. The boy was coming closer with an almost calculated step, once close enough to his friends to get noticed and both Rory and her friends turned in his direction with a smile on their faces

A 'hello' general lifted up from the group while Stiles did not take his eyes off the new guy, he stood next to Rory, wrapping her waist with his arm clumsily, holding her close to himself, making the boy frown in front of them

"He's a friend of mine from New York," Rory informed him, looking up, a little surprised by that affectionate gesture, on her boyfriend who didn't look away from her friend even for a second

"Nice to meet you, Austin, I've heard a lot about you," he was obviously sincere as he said those words and smiled at Stiles, he was happy and curious to meet him. Stiles, for his part, was not very happy to learn of his existence

"Nice to meet you, Stiles, Rory's boyfriend; ah anyway I have no idea who you are" Stiles tried not to leak his annoyance to the boy, with poor results, in fact in Austin came out a giggle a little nervous and embarrassed

"I've been a friend of Rory's since we were kids," he went on to stiffen Stile, who was not at all used to those situations, it was the first time he was in such a situation and didn't really know how to handle it, all he knew was that he didn't like Austin, and the fact that Rory never told him about him made him even more nervous

"But you know I'm Rory's boyfriend and we're together, and it's a serious thing you know..." started Stiles by turning both Rory and Austin red, the latter didn't know whether to laugh or not, he was so embarrassed by that exchange of lines

"Yes, babe, he does, he knows everything, okay?" interrupted Rory, also embarrassed by the situation that was going to create; Austin had been her best friend since they were children and they had always told each other everything, so he knew who Stiles was. The boy had spent many evenings on the phone with the girl who was talking about him fantasizing about what could happen between them, and now that it had finally happened what his best friend dreamed, he was really happy

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