1x02: Second Chance at the First Line

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It seemed that a spell had fallen on those three guys, standing still, motionless in front of the school exit, fixed the point where just before was the van of Allison's father... the hunter that the night before had attacked Scott and hit Ophelia

"You guys... you guys!" Stiles awakened them, finally getting their attention, the two turned together to the boy "Has anyone heard Rory?" asked without the others having answered him

"I tried to text her this morning before going to class, but she didn't reply," sighed Ophelia as she turned on her phone and looked at the chat screen with the message -Hey, are you okay? - unanswered

"I don't blame her, I would have run away too," Stiles commented aloud, receiving some nasty looks from the girl a few feet away from him 

"What? It's the truth!" He yelled as the girl went away giving him a finger, followed by a Scott still shocked that the father of the girl he liked had already tried to kill him

It was about ten minutes that Stiles was going from door to door trying to figure out what was the Rory's, he had managed to find an address, but it was about ten years before and since then the layout of the house numbers had changed. When he finally knocked on the door and found himself in front of a man in his fifties who at the name Rory did not turn up his nose, breathed a sigh of relief, at least the way was still that

"My daughter is upstairs, she says she is not feeling well," the man replied, observing Stiles, who in all his clumsiness had stumbled on the entrance carpet just before the stairs leading upstairs
"Yes, I'm here to bring her today's notes" Stiles came up right that second with a slightly drawn smile that made the man, standing on the wall in front of him, frown

"Upstairs, second door to the right," the man pointed, and Stiles almost ran, to get out of the awkward situation that had arisen. Arriving at the door of the room he began to wonder what he would say to her, what could Rory think about what she had seen the night before, hoping that she would not want to report them or other similar things... so he took a breath and knocked

"Rory... it's Stiles... can I come in?" he asked after knocking, he waited a couple of minutes looking around in the corridor a little bare, actually having just moved they could not have had much time to decorate the house; he noticed some photos hanging on the wall, they were portraying Rory, and some of them there was her father too. There was Rory with ice cream, on the swing, running through the grass...

"Have you come to check that I haven't already gone and told everyone?" asked Rory just outside the door of her room "As if they believed me" she ended in a whisper, looking down on her bare feet, she was in her pajamas, arms folded, looking at that clumsy, messy boy who was in front of her and she had no idea what he wanted from her

"No, Rory, I came to see how you were... you weren't at school today, you didn't reply Ophelia's text..." Stiles began to explain gesturing in the middle of the corridor

"Listen, stalker, how did you find my address?" continued coldly Rory entering her room followed by the boy, she didn't want meaningless words just to keep her quiet, she did not even know those guys

"I'm the sheriff's son," Stiles gloated, making the girl, sitting on the bed in front of him, frown

"What do you want from me?" she was getting nervous, she didn't understand what he wanted from her, she wouldn't open her mouth to anyone about what happened! Who would listen to her!? So what the hell did he want from her!? She couldn't understand, did he wanna make her stay quiet?

"I've said this before and I'll say it again, I came to see how you were... you know after what happened yesterday" the boy repeated patiently sitting next to her, who like a spring pulled up and started walking around the room holding her arms tight to her chest

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