2x10: Fury

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The guys, after understanding that the master of the Kanima was Matt, went to Stiles' house to talk to the former sheriff, they had to ask for help, no one would believe them if they went to say that that boy had committed murders

Stilinski was a little reluctant to believe them, he didn't understand how that kid could have done it, and then, the police had just arrested Professor Harris for the murders, since his car was on almost every crime scene and almost all of the victims were former students of his

The two boys tried to explain to him why he was connected to the murders: the boy may have taken Harris' car to frame him; but they hadn't yet identified a valid motive for him to do so, and yet, after a lot of explaining, they managed to convince the sheriff to try and access the evidence at the police station

As Stilinski talked to his former colleague to ask if she would let them through, the boys began to think about what to look for among all the information and evidence that the officers had surely collected

"The Kanima didn't commit all the murders. Matt must have done the one at the hospital" reflected not too loud Stiles so that only Scott could hear him and not his father. Austin had killed the boy in the woods but not the woman who was with him, probably because she was pregnant, but once hospitalized she had also been killed

"So we're going through hospital security footage?" concluded the other boy looking at him and before Stiles could answer, the former sheriff told the boys to follow him inside the station. The man and the two boys started watching the videos recorded by the hospital's cameras, but after several minutes they had not yet found anything noteworthy or useful

"The hospital was crowded that night, I don't know if we'll find anything," Stilinski complained to the guys who tried to explain to him that Matt had to have walked past a camera, the two didn't give up

"Wait. Look there, the guy behind" Scott interrupted them pointing at the computer screen from which they were watching the videos, there was a guy on his back with a black jacket walking at a fast pace in the hospital corridor

"It's him! I'm sure!" exclaimed Stiles enthusiastically, receiving a frowning look from his father, who did not understand how he could have recognized the boy, since he was giving his back to the camera

"How did you work that out?? From the back of his head?" his father sarcastically asked not being able to fully understand the behaviour of the two teenagers from whom he was surrounded and who had convinced him to go to the police station to check if Matt, a classmate of theirs, could be a murderer

"Yes! I often sit behind Matt in class and he has a strange-shaped skull," Stiles insisted, continuing to receive nasty looks from his father, given his highly questionable arguments

"Wait. He's talking to someone," Scott intervened, bringing the attention of his friends to the screen where the video kept going on "That's my mother," Scott remarked exchanging a slightly concerned look with Stiles.

The boy decided to call his mother and ask her if she remembered Matt. Initially Melissa had no idea who, her son was talking, so Scott sent her a photo of Matt and she replied that she had scolded him because his shoes were dirty with mud and he was getting dirt all over the floor

"Well, we've got mud footprints and tire tracks. If they were Matt's, they'd put him on three crime scenes," Stiles, as he was always extolling, now that all the pieces were starting to fall into place

"Four, we have a transaction at the mechanic's for an oil change made with Matt's credit card. Done just before you arrived," added Stiles' father, continuing to look at everything the police had collected in the files and finding that information

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