1x04: Magic Bullet

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It was getting worse, his arm was hurting more and more, spreading faster and faster to the rest of the joint; he kept dragging himself along as best he could trying not to get the attention of those stupid teenagers who paraded by in the hallway of Beacon Hills High School

"Hey, can you tell me where I can find Scott McCall?" he asked the first guy who found himself in front, for his misfortune was Jackson, certainly not the most helpful and kind guy of all time, especially if you were talking about Scott

"Why should I tell you?" he countered by closing the cabinet and observing the boy, very pale and even a little sweaty, in front of him with superb doing

"Because I asked you nicely and I only do it once," he declared, continuing to observe the blond in front of him, he had no time to argue with some stupid self-centred kid

"Listen, I tell you where McCall is and you tell me, what is it, anabolic? Growth hormones?" Jackson began to ask expecting an answer, he was obsessed with the story of doping, while the man in front of him still had no idea what he was talking about

"Steroids?" he asked trying to figure out what the guy was babbling in front of him

"No, scout cookies! What do you think I'm talking about? And then whatever you sell, you should stop using it, because you look wrecked" Jackson really wanted to provoke him to get him to tell him what Scott was doing to get results like that at lacrosse in such a short amount of time

"I'll find him myself," the other guy answered after noticing that he was starting to spill blood from his arm to the ground, he had little time and could not afford to waste it with him

"No! We haven't finished"Jackson grabbed him from one of his shoulder to stop him, but the other faster took him by the neck sticking his claws and pushing him against the lockers, then, realizing what he was doing he detached from the boy before that someone could see them and got out from there

"If Derek isn't the Alpha and he didn't bite you, then who did?" Stiles had started asking as soon as they had updated him with the findings of the night before and had not yet stopped even a second

"We don't know," replied Scott sighing, he was nervous, you could see that from how he moved his leg up and down "The Alpha" replied Ophelia, in the end her answer and Scott's were equal, since neither she nor Scott and Derek had any idea who could be the Alpha

"Did the Alpha kill the driver?" Stiles continued undeterred without noticing the nervousness of his friend sitting in front of him sighing

"I don't know," Scott repeated

"Yes," Ophelia added, always of the idea that the two answers at the end of the day were equivalent

"And Allison's father knows that-" Stiles began to say but Scott exasperated interrupted him abruptly with yet another 'I don't know' to which many turned to see what was happening, while waiting to receive the outcome of the test that the teacher was delivering

"Buddie, you really need to study more," Stiles commented, seeing the D- written in red on Scott's paper that he really couldn't take it anymore that morning. Ophelia and Rory exchanged a look and then both lifted the paper of the task with two B's on it, the two smiled and looking behind them they saw Stiles lift the sheet of his task with a beautiful red A that stood out, he was bragging about to the two of them trying not to be noticed by Scott who embittered looked at a fixed point lost in his thoughts

"Do you want me to help you study?" Stiles proposed, trying to help his friend at least by studying

"No, I'm studying with Allison today," replied the guy sitting in front of him, raising his eyes to the two girls and his friend

"That's my boy!" Stiles was excited already fantasizing about how much his friend would really 'study' that afternoon

"We'll just study," Scott informed, sighing as the girls frowned and continued to observe him

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