1x05: The Tell

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They were running as fast as they could, jumping from one building to another to keep up with the Alfa, they were trying to figure out its movements to figure out who it might be, but it was faster than them, much faster than they were

"Ah! That's not possible!" Scott screamed frustrated, it was the umpteenth time they lost the Alfa, he couldn't take it anymore, every night the same story, they ran until they lost their breath, they tried to get to it, to anticipate it and they never concluded anything, they never got even close

"Scott, calm down. We'll find it" his sister was more positive, she believed that sooner or later they would succeed, she turned toward Derek who was looking around ready to run in the direction he thought had gone, then the smell of blood... it was slight, not as intense as what was in Derek's garden, but Ophelia smelled it and had the confirmation when Derek turned to her ready to tell her to move

"Fast" Derek ordered then he started to run without even looking if the other two were behind him, they followed him to the video store, went up on the roof and tried to understand what had happened; there was the sheriff's car, an ambulance and... Lydia and Jackson

"Are you beginning to understand?" asked Derek observing the scene standing on the cornice of the building, while Scott was crouched down along with Ophelia to observe what was happening in the parking lot in front of the video store

"I get that he kills people, but I can't understand why," Scott was the first to answer between the two McCalls, actually as much as Ophelia thought about it, she could not understand the reason why the Alpha's actions, she'd have a million questions to ask him, even just: why did it decide to bite her and Scott? Why both of them?

"It's not normal, I mean we don't go around killing people in the middle of the night, do we?" Scott continued, looking for approval from the eldest, he was almost afraid of the answer

"No. We are predators, not murderers," Derek confirmed, continuing to look at the scene from above without looking at Scott

"And why is he?" he continued to question the eldest as they walked towards the exit from the roof

"I also have a life! I don't care if he wants me to be his pupil..." Scott started complaining again, the three of them were back at the Hale mansion and Scott had started talking again or better say, complaining

"Member of his pack" Derek corrected him, as he was coming down the stairs to go to him, while he rolled his eyes at Scott's mistake

"Whatever, I have to do homework and then tomorrow I have the parent-teacher meeting because I'm bad in chemistry" continued undaunted Scott with his series of endless complaints, while Ophelia listened to him standing there, arms crossed

"Would you rather do your homework or not die?" Derek was starting to hate it, he had to realize it wasn't a game, but there were lives involved, including theirs

"Well I would say both, we can handle school's grades, for the rest it's up to you to give us a hand" intervened Ophelia pointing her gaze toward Derek, who could not stand more than those two stupid kids who did not understand the gravity of the situation, there was a wolf that could come at any time to hurt anyone at that exact moment

"You have less than a week before the next full moon, if you do not kill with him, he will kill you" the oldest wolf tried to be as clear as possible, he did not show the slightest tact with those words, but Derek was always cold and direct

"Who made these rules!?" began Scott making a thousand faces, he was annoyed and irritated by that unsolvable situation for which he could not do anything at the moment, much less oppose

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