3x10: The Overlooked

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After the tragic concert and the sheriff's kidnapping caused by Miss Blake, or rather the Darach, the four decided to tell Derek what they had discovered, so they went to him as soon as possible

The man did not find it hard to believe their words despite the shock in discovering that the girl he had been dating those past few weeks was the Darach, it was news that had shaken him, it was obvious, but in his eyes as clear as impenetrable there was more, were animated by some more hidden emotion

"Derek! Where are you?!" screamed the woman as she set foot in the loft, walking briskly and quickly, looking for the boy who was easily found standing in front of the windowed wall. The teacher threw her arms around his neck, hugging him, holding him, the boy tried not to stiffen, to appear cold, tried to behave like he had the previous days

"I have to tell you something before those kids come to you and say things that don't make sense..." the woman started talking again, detaching slightly from him and then rushing a moment on his lips, but they did not move, they remained motionless in a hard and cold line, Derek couldn't fake it that far, so the woman realized the truth

"Who?" Derek tried to be as natural as possible, he wanted to see what they had told him, he wanted to see how far the woman's lies would go, how far she would try to make fun of him

"Ophelia, her brother, Stiles and Rory. You don't have to believe them, trust me, Derek" begged the woman putting a hand on his chest to bring him closer to her and tighten him, but he felt his muscles stretched under the shirt, his being detached and icy, he was not the Derek she had got used to

"You already know... It's not like they told you! They must have told you that I kidnap people..."The professor detached from the guy who stared at her with a hard and icy look, he felt used and fooled it was clear at that time the disappointment in his face, because maybe deep Derek had hoped to have found someone...

"No, that you kill them" Ophelia corrected her turning a grim look at her, appearing behind her with Rory, Scott and Stiles who stared at her with the same look full of hatred

"Sure, I make human sacrifices in the lunch break between classes! Derek do not listen to them" tried to disprove her with a hint of irony, that did not breach anyone, indeed, it did increase the distance between her and Derek

"Where is my father?" Stiles did not hold back and the tears that he could not hold back came down warm on his face sliding on his cheeks and down to the floor; Rory put a hand on his arm making it slide up to that of the boy, and then holding it tightly

"How do I know? Derek please do not believe him" the woman seemed really sorry and almost desperate, moved her gaze from the boy to Derek continuing inexorably to beg, but he continued to remain impassive

"Do you know anything about the sheriff?" Derek asked with an even deeper voice than ever before. Even his voice was like a rock, heavy and grave

"No, of course not" was a quick response and almost too hasty; the woman continued to observe the look of Derek trying to see a window to cling to and leverage

"Ask her why she wanted to kill Lydia, if you prefer," Rory proposed in a bitter tone and hrt gaze thinned, her anger and distrust of that being was evident

"I don't know about this! I had nothing to do with it. They're just kids who... I don't know why, they want you to believe this crazy story that they can't even prove!" insisted the teacher staring at Derek who did not change his expression or pose, he just looked at her and behind her shoulders

"What if we could? I've been told this is both a cure and a poison, so it can be used against you too"Ophelia's voice interrupted her series of pleas by advancing slightly towards her while on the other side of the room Derek took a few steps back away from the woman. Then, with a lightning gesture, the girl threw the brown sand, contained in the jar in her hand, towards the woman who showed her true shape: a disfigured and scarred face, opaque blue eyes...

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