2x08: Raving

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Stiles had to join his father at the police station that night because he would have had to wait even at dinner time. The boy decided to bring his father dinner: a delicious veggie burger; as expected the sheriff complained immediately after eating the sandwich in question

"Oh, what is this stuff!?" he complained to his son, who in response raised his container with dinner, showing him a salad. Stiles dismissed his father's complaints quickly, claiming that eating healthy would do him good

"Anyway, stop complaining and tell me what you found out" the boy proposed, starting to eat dinner and carefully observing the wall behind his father, where there was all the information about the various cases his dad was working on

"I'm not going to share this kind of information with a teenager," the sheriff replied, raising his eyebrows, resigned to eating the sandwich his son had decided to feed him. Stiles' expression spoke for itself: he kept staring at all the information of the various cases displayed on the wall behind his father

"You mean, the ones that cover the whole wall behind you?" Stiles confirmed, ironically. The sheriff realized at that moment after turning a moment to look behind his back, that the boy was right, so he surrendered to his curiosity

"All right. I discovered that the boyfriend and girlfriend found in the woods were both twenty-four years old and that Isaac had a brother who died on duty and he would also be twenty-four years old," the sheriff briefly explained to the boy who lit up as if in that very moment he had understood everything

"So they must have graduated all in the same year: 2006," the father remarked, astonished, and looked at him in surprise, so the two began to search through the files and the old yearbooks for the year in question, discovering that all the victims had studied in Beacon Hills and all of them attended the chemistry class of Professor Farris

That night Stiles and Stilinski were not the only ones hunting for clues to find the murderer, but also Ophelia, Derek and Isaac were trying to find a solution to the problem, or rather to the Kanima

The girl got back in touch with the vet, Deaton, she had explained the situation and asked him to help them, so the man had accepted, but on one condition: the goal was not to kill the Kanima, but to save him

The three arrived at the Deaton's veterinary clinic, who let them in and then stopped to observe them carefully, remained a few seconds with his back resting on the counter of the clinic, he was studying them, he was, rightly, wary

"Just one thing. Your friend, are we planning to kill him or save him?" the doctor asked cunningly, passing his gaze on all three werewolves, the man did not trust neither the Alpha nor Isaac

"Kill him" Derek answered promptly, but after a chilling look and a cough of the girl in front of him, sighed soundly changing his answer to "Save him"

Once confirmed, Deaton moved to the operating room of the clinic, where he put on the metal table a box full of jars with strange symbols drawn on them; Isaac wasted no time and immediately, like a child, tried to touch them

"Be careful what you touch," Derek rebuked him as a cold and hard mother, Ophelia, for her part, found that scene quite funny, then she looked back at Deaton, waiting for the man to say something

"So, you're some kind of witch?" Isaac asked, almost making Ophelia laugh beside him. In the process, Deaton, who had taken one of the jars from the box, froze and stared at the boy in front of him. The man decided to answer him, claiming to be a veterinarian and certainly not a witch

"I don't have anything that could neutralize that toxin," the veterinarian informed them, so the Alpha insisted on asking if he had any suggestions to stop the Kanima or at least neutralize him

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