2x12: Master Plan

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Stiles was pushed into the basement, he was completely in the dark, the guy couldn't see anything, so he started looking for the switch to turn on the light, he could easily find it and turned on the light and was left speechless by what was ahead

The boy found himself in front of Erica and Boyd, gagged and their hands tied to the ceiling with rope and duct tape. Stiles looked at them for a moment, approaching and trying to untie their wrists, but the two began to agitate and they tried to tell him something he couldn't decipher because of the gags on their mouths: the rope that held them was electrified, the boy discovered it at his expense

"Ah! That hurts!" he cursed receiving the shock while, indeed, while trying to free Erica's wrists; so he decided to remove the gag to the two werewolves

"What happened?" Stiles asked them and kept looking at them, worried, he didn't understand what was going on

"Yesterday, Allison and her father set a trap for us in the woods. They lured us towards them and when they had cornered us... Allison started throwing arrows at us" Erica began to talk deeply upset to tell what had happened the night before, so much so that she had to stop a moment

"She would have killed us! If her father hadn't stopped her, that crazy girl would have killed us! She threw three arrows at my chest!" Boyd intervened much angrier than Erica

"Allison?" asked Stiles astonished, it was true that the girl had ended things with Scott, but that didn't mean that she was a person who would kill two kids for no apparent reason

"Yes, you haven't seen her. She seemed crazy, she looked at us with an aseptic expression, it was terrifying"resumed the word Erica, but she was interrupted by the door of the basement that was opened making everyone go silent, a silence broken only by the steps of someone who was going down the stairs

"Erica, we are in the mood for compliments" Allison's voice put the chills both to the two werewolves and to Stiles, who walked away from the staircase from which the girl and Gerard had arrived

"What are you going to do with them and me? Scott could find me even at the bottom of a sewer covered in urine and dung!" Stiles did not give Gerard time to talk, almost ignoring Allison and focusing only on the man in front of him

"You have a vivid imagination, Mr Stilinski, but let me give you an image: Scott McCall finds his best friend bloody and cut into small pieces, what do you think?" Gerard described this macabre and gloomy image to Stiles, who swallowed agitated and then looked at Allison standing there with an impassive expression. The girl changed her expression as soon as she noticed Stiles' look on her, a smirk almost pleased, the astonished boy frowned

"Scott would never forgive you. But you, on the other hand, have already practiced attempted murder, right?" Stiles continued to observe the girl, alluding to what Erica and Boyd had told him earlier. Allison returned very serious, but before she could replicate the guy decided to add
"In the end, you don't seem so different from Derek" to those words the girl in the blink of an eye was in front of Stiles and began to punch him, the boy did not have time to defend himself so much was the heat and anger with which the girl kept hitting him

While at school Ophelia, her brother, Isaac who had returned from the hospital and Rory had remained; they were upset about both Stiles's disappearance and Austin's death

"Rory" tried to talk to her Ophelia, but the girl decided she didn't want to, she nodded, she didn't want to talk about it not at that time, they had something else to think about, she kept repeating herself trying not to think about all the horror that had happened in the span of a few hours

"Let's concentrate, we have to find Stiles," Rroy decreed passing the gaze from Ophelia to the other boys in the team's locker room; the three werewolves all took an object of the missing boy from his locker, so that he could search it through his scent. The moment the three turned to Rory they paralyzed, so the girl, not understanding their expressions, turned too: in front of them there was Derek

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