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~ Chapeter Thirteen: You lied to me ~

     "Dad, can we talk?" I asked, inside the familiar kitchen.

     "Of course, Emma. What's on your mind?" He took a drink of coffee, turning towards me.

    "I was wondering who some of the people here are. I didn't invite all these people, mainly the adults." I said, trying to sound casual, but more than likely failing.

    "Oh, these are just some friends of mine I invited to celebrate the occasion. You don't mind do you?" He says.

    "No, not really," I lied, glancing around. "I was just wondering why the Malfoy's are here."

     "The Malfoys'? I'm very good friends with them. We met them at the World Cup, remember? I was in Narcissa's year, you know how Lucius is one year older. We didn't associate much then, them being Slytherins and myself being a Ravenclaw. But later on, after working with them in the Ministry, I became good friends with them. You invited their son here today; he was on your list. You're only about a month older than him." Dad says, drinking more coffee.

      That makes total sense, being really good friends with the people who kidnapped me!

     Instead of telling him that, I glanced back at Hermione, who was eating a cookie a few feet away, watching us, before turning back to him. "Yeah, I am. How much do you know about Draco and his parents?" I asked.

     I wanted to see if he knew that Draco hasn't been living with his parents.

    "Well, there's not much to tell, really. They're all pure-bloods. I thought you didn't like talking about that stuff?"

    "Yeah, you're right. I was just curious," I told him.

    "Alright. I think the last of the guests have arrived, maybe you could go socialize some more."

     "Okay, Dad," I said, before walking over to Hermione and taking a chocolate chip cookie.

    "I think that's all I can get out of him, unless that's all he knows," I informed her.

     "It doesn't seem like they talk much about Draco, does it?" She inquired, as we walk into the living room.

     "No, it doesn't." I say, thinking. "I don't think they've told anyone that Draco's run away. Do you think they know he's here?"

      "I'm not sure. You sent the letter to his apartment, right?"

     "Yeah, I'm positive about that. Unless they've seen him or my parents told his, I don't think they would know," I say.

    "It's your birthday, Em. Let's forget about what they're doing here and have fun." She says.

    I sigh. "You're right. What should we do?"

    "Come on! Let's dance!" She grabs my wrist and takes me into the living room.

      Well then.


     Okay, I really love having all my friends over. This party has been really amazing. Some people have left already in the few hours that have past but I think we've all had a blast.

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