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~ Chapter Twenty: You sound mental ~

There was a fire! We had to get out. Well, there was also the intruder, but that person probably started the fire. They would know and if they hadn't, they definitely did after the announcement that nearly broke my eardrum.

We were all wooshed outside into the Forbidden Forrest. All some thousand of us.

We were in the same positions from when we were inside, so I would have fallen on my butt if Draco hadn't steadied himself in an instant and caught me. His hands wrapped around my waist, starting from my back. The other kids didn't seem to notice.

"Gotta be careful," he whispered. I don't know if it was because of his hands on me or his low voice, but shivers were sent up my spine.

I could see Hermione some distance away, looking befuddled. I glanced at Draco, before stumbling out of his warm hands.

"Hey. Know anything about what's going on?" I asked her.

She shook her head. "I can't help but think - what if Ron and Harry came back? It might have set off the alarm."

"Harry and Ron?" I laughed quietly, "Hermione, they hate school. They're not coming back. They went off to the Ministry to begin work early."

  "Yeah, you're right. I wonder who it could be. This is stirring up so many questions," she said. "Like did they start the fire? If not, how did it happen? But who is the person? Could there be more than one of them?"

  "Hermione, you sound mental! Just take a breath. We're going to be alright." I said.

   "Students! Give me your attention!" Professor McGonagall appeared in front of us.

   "Now, we're going to get the fire fixed and put out and find the three adults who invaded the school. They did indeed start the fire. We will all be fine-." Her eyes grew wide and I looked in her line of direction.

  There was a grassfire! That meant we had to get out of here immediately. I don't know if there is wizard 911 or whichever to call in case of an emergency.

  I backed away from Hermione, who started towards the opposite direction, wand at the ready. Why couldn't we just use a water spell to put it out? That worked in the Room of Requirement. Maybe the fire was already too great or maybe everyone was just in so much of a panic.

  "Get out of here and stay in small groups! Hurry! We'll let you know when it is safe to return!" She Apparated herself away, after checking on some of the students and taking a few away as well.

  The fire grew closer, and it became near me. People vanished, most illegally, in a rush and I reached toward my other pair of shoes, my black boots, that I kept my wand in. Then I realized I had set it on my desk to begin working on the history project. I have no way to get out unless I ran. And that fire is faster than a human. I heard a scream as I watched it get closer.

   There were yells and cries. My ears began to ring. I looked around slightly and saw there was no where to run. The fire was to one side of me and bunches of people on the other. I realized one of the screams came from me as I tried moving away, but ended up stumbling into other students.

   Hermione was already gone. I turned and there was a bust of smoke. Someone's hand wrapped tightly around mine and I felt nothing as I was Apparatedf from the Forbidden Forrest's Fire.

  I couldn't see. I was coughing badly and was extremely light headed. Apperating only made it worse and gave me a headache. The only thing that was secure was that I knew from years of his hand in mine that Draco was keeping me out of the fire.

  "Where do you want to go?" His quiet voice asked in a rush, his grey eyes worryingly searching my face.

  I thought about how it would have been easier to just let myself go in the fire. I could have died there. I know Hermione would be fine anyways, she's going wherever Ronald Weasley is. My parents wouldn't know I would be gone for another two months and even without me writing a letter, they would assume I started working or was with a friend.

  I didn't answer. My eyes were ready to close for good. The smoke was filling my lungs and making my head spin. I felt as if I couldn't no longer cough.

   Draco took me somewhere with grass. He set me down and sat next to me, mumbling worriedly to himself. My head was resting against something hard, a rock probably. My insides were churning. My throat was dry but full of smoke, which is what I most likely smelled like. The headache made me feel like I was spinning, though I knew I wasn't.

  I looked up and saw Draco staring at me desperately. I started to realize something. My mind was starting to clog, so I took what I believed to be my last opportunity to speak.

  "Will you miss me when I'm gone?"

          [ Draco Malfoy's Perspective ]

   She passed out in my arms. I clutched her hand before realizing it probably hurt. Will you miss me when I'm gone? She had asked me. I thought it was the most ridiculous question ever. She had opened her eyes to ask me that and then she tilted her head back and her eyes closed.

  I have absolutely no idea on what to do. Emma Dawlish is laying on the ground next to me. She might be dead.

  I gasped at my own thought. No. She can't be. She can't.

   A clear drop of water fell on her shirt, but it wasn't rain. I was crying. I couldn't loose her. I've lost everything if I've lost her.

  I remember that when I was young and wanted a pet, my father would say that love makes people weak. I never believed that because I could always see how they looked at each other, even when one of them wasn't looking. They loved each other. Loving me wasn't something I had ever been sure about.

  I don't know if I had realized what love was until I met Emma Dawlish. She changed my views on society. While thinking she was a muggle born, I fell in love with her. Fate is a cruel thing. I've been an absolute horrible person in my years, but the one steady thing I've counted on is her. If this is Fate's way of punishing me, it definitely worked. But it isn't worth taking a life over. I needed her.

  All I could think of taking her was just a little ways away from the Forest. It was like a separate forest, divided by one of the lakes. I no longer rented out the apartment, because I had come back here. I kept all my bags under the bed or in the closet.

   There was only one place I could think to take her. She then might be okay. I know they could heal her. They had potions and knew more spells.

   I just didn't know if I could bring myself to do it. I was afraid to go back there. I hadn't seen them in a long while. Would they want me back? Would they accept me and claim me as a Malfoy?

   It was a difficult choice, but I could never let Emma die.

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