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~ Chapter Twenty Two: Astoria will come ~

Narcissa Malfoy decided since it was about one o clock that we could go shopping. I tried telling her that my money was in my purse, which was at school, but she wouldn't hear it.

   I hoped nothing was damaged too badly at Hogwarts from the fire. I'm curious about who the intruder was, though I doubt we'll find out. I also am constantly wondering when they're going to give us our letters again.

Draco was nervous about letting me go, but I assured him him I was fine. I felt tired even though I had slept for three days. I was really tempted to ask about that stuff, but I didn't want to make it more awkward than it already was.

We walked down the same lane that my parents and I had walked down the day after the war. I saw Hermione with Ron in the joke shop and my stomach turned. My old best friend and her boyfriend in the best shop around. They did look happy. I wondered if Draco and I would ever look like that.

I had one shopping bag in my hand and it held a simple yet cute black dress. Mrs. Malfoy saw that I had taken an interest in it at the store we were in and had me try it on to see if it fit. When it did, she insisted on buying it for me. I really didn't want anyone to spend money on me, but she kept assuring me it was no problem.

Finally, we stopped at a teenager store and I thought her eyes just might pop out of her head when she saw the sizes and lengths of some tops and shorts, along with some tanks and skirts. After leaving with a pair of jeans and a pair of slacks, she asked me about shoes. Shoes, seriously.

This woman knows how to shop. She really did want to make me feel welcome and after a couple hours, I was starting to warm up to her. We kept up a small conversation. I told her how I liked to write and had, before the war, considered being a journalist.

"We should go back now," She said, looking at the black fancy watch on her wrist.

"Alright. And again, thank you for all the stuff you got for me." I said after holding four bags and a shoe box.

She smiled warmly. "You're welcome, dear. I'm happy to do this."

I thought that was the end of the conversation, but then she continued in a quieter, almost hushed tone.

   "I can't repay you for everything you've done to help this family, Emma. You have brought my son back home. You kept all of us from going to... to Azkaban. My son cares about you and he wants to give you the world. You have done so much while we did the opposite to you. I'm glad Draco found you. I hope you can forgive us for all the trouble we've caused you."

   I was rendered speechless, but knew I had to reply. I thought carefully on what to say. "Mrs. Malfoy, I love your son. He might not have come back. From the moment that he told me he ran away, I tried to convince him to come home. I know families aren't perfect, but they're needed. When I woke up in your house and realized where I was, I wasn't scared. I knew I was safe because he wouldn't have taken me anywhere I wasn't. There hasn't been anything to forgive."

    Once again, she was trying not to smile. There were tears in her eyes as she wrapped me in a hug. I was surprised to say the least, but higher back. I spoke the truth and I think that had a higher effect.

    In a couple of minutes after the heart to heart, we went back to Malfoy Manor. She took the clothes to wash them and left me with the shoes. She told me I could stay as long as I wanted, even forever.

   Mr. Malfoy was in the kitchen when we arrived. He greeted his wife with a kiss and then me with a nod. I walked back to the guest room but stopped when I heard another door open. Draco's room was across from mine but a door to the left.

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