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~ Chapter Thirty-One: The Fall of the House of Dawlish ~

I sat for a moment longer, procrastinating my work. I really ought to go see someone: a professor, counselor, or friend. The room felt colder than normal. Wrapping my arms to my elbows, I stood. I glanced out the long oval window, that never had any glass in the first place, just an open, clean view of the outside.

No more than three weeks. I just had to last seventeen more days and graduate, then I was free. I could go home, wherever that was. I could finally choose what to do with my life, without the teachers trying to shove a certain one down my throat. There were hundreds of options. I just didn't know what would fit me. All I knew is that it is over.

Everyone was freed when the killing curse backfired onto Voldemort. But now, I'm being pulled back in. Thomas Black had a mission and wanted me to help him. I wanted to help, I just didn't know if I could do it. I also really didn't want to go back in time and see the person who murdered my friends.

    "Hey," a semi-clipped voice said from the entry way.

    The voice I would recognize anywhere; it's deep, sarcastic, caring, and arrogance. The voice I have loved for quite some time brought a smile to my lips, though I had been avoiding him. I turned and saw him, his light blonde hair uncombed, the top three buttons undone, a purple outline under his bright eyes.

    "Hi." I responded, letting out a breath. Both of us remained unmoving, just taking in the presence of each other.

    "I felt that I could find you here," Draco said, cautiously stepping forwards.

   Finally, I reached forwards and grabbed his wrist and sat the two of us down on the torn and faded purple couch. The thin white fabric of our school shirts touched and our hands lay in between our legs. I stared for a moment, thinking I never wanted to let go of his hand.

    "I'm sorry," I said, but it sounded hollow.

    His beautiful features formed a frown and he squeezed my hand. His eyes had changed so much over the years. From the happy little kid, everyone full of innocence, to the young teen that thought he owned the world. Slowly, he grew scared - scared of Voldemort, of losing his family, of me. His eyes were no longer as full, but right now I saw so much love, and worry.

    "What are you apologizing for?" He shook his head, a more than likely sad smiling hiding in the corner of a dimple. "You have done noth-"

    "Draco, I do. I have so much to apologize for." My chest moved heavier, but I swallowed the tears. I was done with them. "I'm so sorry I hurt you, many times. I haven't been a good girlfriend lately, or a good friend in general. I've been lashing out, untrusting," I hiccuped, causing me to stop.

    "Before I say how each of those are wrong, I know that's not why you skipped class, or why were avoiding me and mostly everyone for the last two days. Emma, your mother is dead. I can't do anything about that or help you. I know you two didn't get along and you shouldn't feel guilty. I just want you to talk to me. I'll listen, even if I disagree. I love you too damn much to lose you," Draco Malfoy stated. 

    My lips were trembling. He reached over and moved the hair away so he could see my face, though I had been trying to hide. I reached over with my left hand and slowly took his, so all hands were enclosed in the other.

    "Dammit, I thought I could do this without crying," I said, letting out a weak laugh and sniffling. "I just feel so out of it, of everything. I thought I could do this, could pretend everything was fine. I didn't want to hurt you. You are the best. You've always been there for me. I don't want to ruin us."

    Though I could tell he wanted to say something, Draco remained silent. "You're right. My mother is dead and there's nothing anybody could do. That... I don't know how to feel about that. It's easier, I suppose, because we just went through this whole damaging war and it wasn't too far after that. We lost friends, people we care about. I don't really know if she cared about me or not, but I hate that's she's dead. I wish I knew where my dad was. I don't even know if he's alive. I don't want to be without both of my parents. I know I sound selfish and that so many others have it worse. I know you've gone through hell as well, and I'm so glad you've talked to me and opened up. I can't even stop talking at this point. I know we fight. I know we disagree. I love you so much. Thank you." I ended and turned my head, laying my forehead on his shoulder.

    Letting out a shaky breath, I let go of Draco's left hand and he used it to wrap his arm around me, letting  me sink more into him. We stayed like that for no more than ten minutes: silent, and wrapped around each other.

    "Does this mean I'm off the hook?" He gave a crooked smile and I lifted my head to see it, falling in love all over again.

   "For what?" I asked.

    "For getting pissy at the idea of you going off back in time without me." Draco said.

    I couldn't help but smile, yet again. "So it would be alright, only if you went? Otherwise-"

    Draco laughed and his eyes sparkled into mine. "Marry me."

    My laugh fell into a disbelieved expression. "What?"

    "Will you marry me?"

    A group of second years walked past the room, oblivious to us. They giggled at each other, talking about the difficulty they were experiencing in their young years. I saw past my boyfriend and watched them, but his eyes never left mine.

    It was a very sudden, on the spot question. But I knew the answer immediately. There was no one else I loved, no one else I wanted to spend my time with. Draco Malfoy was the one who understood me. We would do anything for each other. There was nothing I couldn't love about him. His past shaped him into the beautiful man he is. His appearance was just luck. He had grown so well with his personality, too. He didn't fight without reason, and he always listens to me.


    Draco's eyebrows shot up. "Really?"

    "Yes, really, Draco," I said, releasing a small laugh. "I'll marry you."

    Immediately after I promised forever, he leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. He mumbled something that sounded like "I love you", but really jagged through our kisses. I pulled away to stare into his grey eyes, suddenly so happy and full of excitement.

     Whatever I was thinking this morning had gone away. I would be alright if he was by my side. And we had seventeen days until we could officially become engaged.

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