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~ Chapter Fourteen: Draco's Trial ~

Why do I let him get to me?

   I dressed up fancy. Hermione helped me for figure out how to say stuff to sound professional.

   The rational part of me is telling me to say good riddance to Malfoy. My heart is telling me to smack the council that has him on trial. Right now I'm frustrated with both.

    My heels click on the floor. I am purposely late here. Soon, they'll have the verdict. It doesn't look good in here so far.

   I walk inside, opening the creaking door and stand in the middle of the room. Draco had his head down in his arms, exhausted.

     "Please state your credentials." Someone said from above in the stands.

   "My name is Emma Bridget Dawlish." I heard some snickers from the audience.

    Draco lifted his head, his face covered in shock. Things didn't end very well between us on my birthday. That's putting things very lightly.

     "I am currently a half-blood student at Hogwarts: School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am here to speak on behalf of Mr. Harry Potter and Miss Hermione Granger, whom both had other matters to attend to, as well as speak my own piece on behalf of Mr. Draco Malfoy."

     The lady in the front motioned for me to continue. I cleared my throat and tore my eyes away from Malfoy's.

    "I understand who Mr. Draco Malfoy is. Mr. Potter and Ms. Granger understand how cruel he can be, but that he is also human. What I cannot find any credible or reasonable understanding as to which you feel necessary to try a seventeen year old for the crimes of someone else's. You should be ashamed! All Mr. Malfoy here has done is try to keep himself and those he cares about alive, even if that meant following Voldemort."

    There were gasps around the room. I guess people were still scared of the name. I did not know where my courage was coming from but I was certainly glad it's there.

    "You love printing so much about things that aren't true and about the Golden Trio, consisting of my friends, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, and Ronald Weasley. After Tom Riddle was killed, the trio is all you print about now. Now, I don't want to be part of your printing, but write about this if you must. You get so caught up in talking about the trio, you forget about the people that helped them.

      Where is your article about Neville Longbottom? He helped in so many ways, for years. Severus Snape killed Headmaster Dumbledore, because that's what the headmaster asked! Snape wasn't working for the Dark Lord, he was on our side. He helped us all, in so many ways. Where is your article on Narcissa Malfoy, Draco's mother? She lied to Voldemort, about Harry being dead, and that saved him from being dead!

   The people you are accusing of helping the Dark Lord might have at one point, but in the end, they helped us win. This also stands for Draco Malfoy himself, who lied to his aunt Bellatrix about recognizing Harry while they were on the run.

     We all know these things, yet you ignore them. Why is that? You give the fame to Harry, Hermione, Ron, and a few others. You give blame to so many. Imagine where we would be if Draco and his mother hadn't lied or if their lies had been found out? The trio would be dead! Where would we be? Either dead, hiding, or obeying Voldemort!

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