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~ Chapter Twenty Six: a liar, a cheater, and the mysterious ~

   Within the next hour, the majority of the guests had left. Draco had received some clothes, a new pair of formal shoes, a notebook, and a few other knickknacks.

  Paxton had disappeared with the Greengrass family. Carter was still hanging around. He was talking to Draco; they both appeared to be apologizing for something.

   Thomas Black was hanging around, not socializing. His eyes occasionally drifted to mine. He didn't seem to be finished with our small chat.

  Finally, I went up to him. "What was it you wanted to talk about?"

Thomas's mysterious demeanor never changed. He leaned forward slightly. "You're well acquainted with the three known as the Golden Trio, correct?"

"Yeah, I suppose. What do they have to do with...?"

"So you know the struggles they have faced within nearly a decade. You've had your own troubles with the Dark Lord, Emma?" Thomas asked. He was quiet enough to not draw a single other person's attention towards us.

I nearly gaped. "It's not a good idea to talk about him here. But... yes."

"I know you want to protect Draco. I could give you an opportunity to do that." He said, eyeing the remaining people.

"Are you saying he's in some kind of trouble?" I crossed my arms.

"The threat of Voldemort has ceased. But I have discovered a way that... someone could go back in time. They can attempt to reverse all of Tom Riddle's wrongdoings. All the lives that could be saved... Could you imagine?" He asked.

   I was speechless. I didn't have to answer because one of the remaining guests, a man I didn't know, asked where the restroom was. I directed him immediately; up the stairs and it's to the right.

   Slowly, I turned back to Thomas. I wasn't sure if it was possible to turn back time, especially for a long period of time. But Hermione did it with her Time Turner not too long ago.

   I must not have looked too well, because Carter came over to us, with a raised eyebrow. "So you told her your idea, I take it."

   "It's going better than when I told you," Thomas replied. "She hasn't thrown up."

  My eyes widened. What in the world is going on? This made little sense to me. Going back in time would practically be reviving the dead.

  Draco had the etch of a smile, still laughing at a joke someone told him. He walked over to us and out intertwined our fingers. I wanted to talk about the kiss and what he felt, but not in front of anyone.

   "Thomas has an insane idea, Draco." I tell him.

  He looks at me curiously, but I didn't want to explain more. Thomas began to object, but Carter spoke up.

  "He wants Emma to go back in time to Riddle's time in Hogwarts and try to stop him from turning into You-Know-Who." He explains.

  Draco's eyes flash to mine, back to Carter's then land on Thomas's. "Well, crazy is a word that I would use for that."

  "Come on, Draco. It's been done before. No one's succeeded yet. I think Emma could do it." Thomas urged.

   "Why me?" I asked.

   "It has to be a female who goes, otherwise there is a zero chance of it working. There's been one guy who has gone and three girls, but none... could persuade Riddle. All have been graduated and tried, but you're still in school, technically." Black says formally.

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