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~ Chapter Twenty Four: It's love and it's amazing ~

[ Draco Malfoy's Perspective ]

I looked at Emma's confused facial expression as Thomas Black walked away and gave a hint of a smile.

"I know. Even I'm not certain if he's Regulus's or Sirius's. He... Ah, likes secrets."

   Emma appeared dumbfounded. "So he is a Black. One of the Blacks, from your mother's side. But which one you aren't sure of? And he looksour age, which meant he's been a secret for a long time, especially from Harry, if he was Sirius's kid..." She rambled.

"How-how old is he?" She asked after a moment.

"Twenty, I reckon. I'm not certain." I said.

  My mother walked over to us, with a smile. "Draco, Carter has arrived if you could kindly greet him. And Emma, dear, if you would please come with me."

  "Carter's her friend too," I said.

   Emma shot me an anxious look. I wasn't sure if she was saying it was okay for her to go or if she wanted me to convince my mother to let her stay with me. Either way, it appeared my mother wouldn't budge.

   She nodded and said, "I understand, but I need help with some decorations to make sure they don't fall apart."

   I hoped my eyes weren't flashing nervously with the thought of leaving Emma behind.

   "Why can't I do that?" I asked, feeling a piece of hair fall on my forehead irritatingly.

   "It's your birthday, Draco. You need to enjoy yourself." She smiled as if I had a silly suggestion.

   I could do that just with Emma. However, I still would like to at least see Carter. Finally, I gave in.

   "Alright." I met Emma's eyes and she gave me a sideways smile. "Just come find me when you're done."

   "Great," my mother said, clasping her hands together. She put a hand on Emma's shoulder and steered her away.

   I stood for another couple of minutes, pacing myself before going to meet the rest of the people.

  I still thought about that argument we had in our secret room at Hogwarts. All I remember from the next day is the alarm, the feeling of Apparation three times in less than an hour, and Emma's breath slowly fading away from smoke inhalation.

   Something in her changed after she woke up. She acted like she hadn't ended things. We have talked and talked for the past couple of days. I could see it in her eyes, the honesty that I didn't see in Hogwarts. She almost had seemed surprised when she said to me that she didn't mean what she said. She thought that I hadn't believed her.

   I would believe anything she would say, follow her anywhere. It's insanely difficult to describe what I feel towards her. It's love and it's amazing, the feelings I have when I am with her, or even thinking about her. Emma Dawlish is someone I would do anything for, no matter what the cost. She knows me better than anyone, even Carter Woody. She understands me and sometimes I swear she can read my thoughts. She knows what to say, even when I'm not prepared to hear it.

   I stared out the window. The wind picked up and the grass and flowers swayed. The sun was bright now that it had fully risen. It was a beautiful view.

   A familiar voice spoke. "Hey, mate. Happy birthday."

   He stepped into place next to me and I looked at my closest friend, apart from Emma. "Thank you."

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