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~ Chapter 30: I will always be ~

Author's Note: All chapters previous to this were wrote before having read the Cursed Child. That story will not affect this ending, but may sway slightly over their children's POV stories, which will be published sometime after this is finished. The ending is slowly coming up.

"Emma?" I was awoken by Hermione's voice. She sounded fairly surprised to see me asleep on a Gryffindor couch in the common room.

I squinted my eyes and sat up, adjusting to the numbness of life. The sun no longer shone as bright as it did after noon lunch. It was much more faded, nearly a salmon instead of the blazing crimson. Turning to look at Hermione, I saw her bushy hair pinned back and her books lowering her arms. Parchment stuck out from under the textbooks, clearly having been used through the day, which lead me to question the time.

"Hermione, the time-" I began.

"It is four in the evening. Have you slept through the whole day, Emma? We became so worried after you missed your fifth class then the rest of the day. I really would have come to check your whereabouts, but the professors - the homework! With just two weeks left, I swear they're going to make us go mad. I used to enjoy the rush but after the War, I just want to take things slow, you know? Also," she took a breath. "Charlotte informed me about your family. I'm so sorry."

After processing everything she just said in my muggy state, I thought of a contempt enough response. "Thank you. And I suppose the profs are just trying to catch us up with what we've lost within the last year, especially with Umbridge. To answer your first question, Mione, I did not sleep all day. I simply slept from halfway through my lunch secession to when you came in."'

Hermione set her books on a desk and let down her brown hair, clouding parts of her face. She went and sat on the end on the couch I was lying on and looked at me with an emotion similar to concern.

"Why didn't you tell me about what was going on?" She asked.

"You weren't the easiest to talk to," I admitted.

Her face fell, knowing I was right. As much as she loved Ron, I knew she still wanted to be there for me and her other friends. I just wished I could have tried harder, maybe she could have given me some helpful advice.

She looked down. "Oh, Emma. I'm terribly sorry. This must be so awful for you."

Instead of agreeing, I positioned myself upwards, wondering if I had missed anything important in my classes, before my mind strayed to thoughts of Draco. I received a nauseous feeling in the pit of my stomach. If Hermione had been worried, then I couldn't start to imagine how Draco felt. I knew how fearful he was that I might fall over the cliff if he wasn't there. However, I was beginning to believe I might fall over even if he's right next to me.

"Has dinner been served yet?" I finally asked.

She was taken aback by the change in talk, but understood. "No, not yet. We can go down early, if you'd like. You're probably parched."

If I did head to the Dining Hall early, then the chance of me running into Draco was much lower. So I agreed. After straightening my outfit and brushing through my hair, I slipped my heels back on, though I definitely did not want to draw attention to myself. I would have applied some makeup, but if it was just me and Hermione, there wouldn't be anyone to see or judge.

She smiled slightly. "Are you ready then?"

"Absolutely," I said, already heading out the door with my lies following behind me.

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