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Trigger warning: suicide. Read at your own discretion. Please be safe and know you're cared for.

~ Chapter Twenty Seven: I'm sorry ~

Draco wanted to stay with me tonight, to make sure I was okay. I had to turn him down.

I didn't want to flaunt my thanks to his parents of letting me stay here. I knew what they would think if he wasn't in his room and my door was shut. I always sleep with it shut, but locked is different.

After the eleventh time of him softly asking if I was sure I was okay, I told him to get to his room. I tried smiling and teasing, but had to bite my lip. He knew I wasn't okay. I think he was just trying to assure himself.

I refused to let anymore tears find their way into my eyes. I wasn't going to look weak. As much as I did love my parents, I didn't really trust them much anymore.

   I unpacked the first bag; Draco lounged on my bed. I set the camera on my shelf, along with a few notebooks. No books.

   "Draco, it's nearly midnight," I said at last.

   "Yeah?" He said, watching me with a small smile.

  "So you should probably go to bed." I retort, setting the bag in the closet.

   Draco started pulling the sheets back. "I meant your bed, Draco."

  "I can make any bed my bed," he replied, mischief lingering in his eyes.

   I shake my head, looking in the mirror. My hair looked horrible. I picked up a brush and ran it through my hair.

   "If your parents find us..." I let my words linger, knowing he'll still find an attempt at humor.

   "So what? We're still clothed. What's the worst they could do? Kick us out?" He snorted, leaning back.

  "That would be a bad thing," I say, smiling slightly.

  "Ah, we'd make it." Draco waves a hand through the potential problem.

   "We would, but we'd be homeless." I respond, taking off my boots.

   "Nah." He shook his head, crossing his legs.

  I walked over to my bed, standing next to Draco, looking down at him, his white-blond hair a mess. He looks up at me, his eyes shining.

  "Draco," I begin.

  "Hm?" He takes my hand and rubs his thumb over my knuckles.

   I bend down so he's taller than me again, slowly taking my hand away. I flick his forehead with a sweet smile. "Go to bed."

   He tilts his head, trying to hide a smile. "Shouldn't have done that."

  I stand back up. "What are you going to do?"

   Draco sat straighter on the bed, reaching for my hand again. I stepped back, careful not to hit the lamp stand. I then lean against the wall.

   "Fine, I'll just sleep here." He rolls onto his side, facing the door.

    I wait a few seconds before replying. "You're going to get cold."

  I huffed when there was no response. "I'm not doing the no-replying thing with you too."

  I instantly regretted it. We had a playful banter going and I ruined it. He sat up and walked over to me. Just saying that made me think of my mother's emptiness from an hour ago, and she was probably like that for a lot longer.

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