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~ Chapter Twenty Five: The prince is quite the player ~

After I finished putting wards on some flower vases, I returned to the main room. Thomas Black had reappeared and was looking out the window.

"Emma," he tested my name. He must have seen my reflection through the glass on the large window.

I stay silent, unsure of what to say. I had questions about him, to him, but was hesitant to ask. Finally, one of us spoke.

"The prince is quite the player, isn't he?" He mused.

I tried not to look too confused, except that proved difficult. His pink lips formed into a partial smirk and his dark eyes gleamed.

"Draco," he explains, raising his eyebrows.

Still, I waited.

"Draco... The Slytherin Prince?" Thomas draws out the words, watching me carefully.

"O-Kay. What do you mean about him being a player?"

Now he was the one with he confused expression. He looked at me carefully, as if trying to decide on an answer. "You two are serious?"

   "If you're talking about our relationship, then yes, we are. Why are you acting like this?" I asked.

   He was too mysterious. He was hiding something, but acted as if he wanted it found.

   Thomas looked past me, into view of the kitchen. His eyebrows raised again, this time more in surprise. "If you're so serious then why..."

   I waited for him to explain. Another person walked into the room, who looked vaguely familiar, followed by Carter. He looked surprised and even a bit nervous to see us. I wondered why.

The tension grew in the room. I looked at Carter, but he wouldn't meet my eyes. Thomas looked like he wanted to finish his thoughts, but then decided against it with the new company. But the other guy.. Dark red hair. Dark eyes. Tan skin. I knew him. But from where? He didn't go to Hogwarts.

"Woody, Mallewood. How is everything?" Thomas asked coolly.

"Well enough." The Mallewood said. "But I do need to get back to-".

"Emma," Carter says hurriedly. "Do ya think you could get Draco for me? We need-".

"I haven't finished talking yet." Thomas said, his eyes flashing.

"Well, then go right ahead." Carter said controllably.

"It's a private matter." Thomas said.

There's definitely more going on in the silence than there is out loud. I don't know who Mallewood is or why he's here, or why Carter's acting like he's guilty of something, or what Thomas was going to tell me. I fidgeted and was tempted to yell at everyone to shut up and stop interrupting everyone.

"Really? How so?" Carter asked. Him and Thomas did not seem to like each other one bit.

I looked at Mallewood curiously, who hadn't said anything except trying to get to someone. He returned my gaze. His expression was stoic.

"Who are you? I'm Emma." I said, zoning out the other two guys.

His green eyes studied me. He shook my hand. "I'm Paxton Mallewood."

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