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~ Year 7 ~ 
~ Chapter Seven: They're going to catch me ~ 

      I ran through the halls, excited. There was one year left of Hogwarts. I was going to miss this school, despite all the trouble we all have gone through. I didn't know what I was going to do after the war, or the school year. My two best friends plus Ron were on a quest to find Voldemort and I have people to help.

        I haven't seen Lucas all summer and I'm super excited. It's almost our last year and we get to spend this one together, like an actual couple. Or so I hope. I was worried for my friends but I really wanted a normal school year for once. I didn't know how possible or impossible that is going to be, but it's worth a shot. If not, there's always next year.

      Draco promised me that he'll keep my secret even if he doesn't see it as a great favor. He is worried about the battle, when it happens. I hope it will be okay between all of us afterwards. He chose the right side in the end, after all. I wondered about how to tell him that I was dating Lucas Gray. It hurt, caring for two people so much, and not knowing who your heart is choosing.

     Kids start pouring down the halls at the beginning and I make my way down to the mess hall, thinking about how weird it will be without the trio there and without Dumbledore as our headmaster.

     My boyfriend and Draco seemed to get along after knowing what had gone on between us, but I couldn't tell if they trusted each other. I remembered Charlotte; I wondered if she liked him, hoping if so that she wouldn't be mad at me.

       Snape as headmaster wasn't going to be great either. I was ready for the hard times, because I had my hopes for after all the troubles.

      [ Harry Potter's Perspective ]

        Harry arrives at the Burrow, and when some of his friends get there, he learns that Moody has been killed and George Weasley was hurt. Hedwig, Harry's owl, had also been killed. Harry begins to have visions in which he sees what Voldemort is doing through Voldemort's eyes, and witnesses Voldemort interrogating a wand maker, trying to find out how to defeat Harry.

        Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave to find and destroy the horcruxes.

       Rufus Scrimgeour, the Minister of Magic, delivers to them the items Dumbledore left them in his will. Harry is left the Snitch he caught in his first Quidditch match, as well as the Sword of Gryffindor, which Scrimgeour does not give him, claiming it did not belong to Dumbledore.

       Ron gets a Deluminator, which turns lights off, and Hermione is left a book of wizard fairy tales. None of them have any idea what the items mean.

          The wedding of Bill to Fleur Delacour soon takes place. At the reception, Harry hears Ron's Aunt Muriel telling terrible rumors about Dumbledore: that his sister was a Squib kept prisoner by her family, and that Dumbledore had dabbled in the Dark Arts as a young man. The wedding is interrupted by Death Eaters, as Voldemort has taken over the Ministry of Magic and is now in charge of the wizarding world.

         Harry, Ron, and Hermione Disapparate to a busy street in London, where they are soon attacked by Death Eaters again. They are safe once they reach the house left to Harry by Sirius Black, Number Twelve Grimmauld Place.

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