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~ Chapter Ten: I ran away ~

We had won. Draco had helped me take on some Death Eaters, trying to earn his forgiveness. I love him, but I'm still mad at him.

The war took a toll on all of us. There were many deaths. The casualties consisted of Voldemort, Bellatrix, Remus Lupin, his wife Nymphodora Tonks, Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, Colin Creevey, Lavender Brown, Vincent Crabbe, Nigel Wolpert, Nagini, Vincent Crabbe, and at least fifty others.

We all knew when Harry had won the battle, because of the silence. We were all so thrilled. The deaths were horrible but we still couldn't help but know that no Death Eaters would ever attack us again.

Professor McGonogall talks about retirement, but tells us she will stay, just for a few more years.

The bodies become buried. Minerva gives everyone two weeks to regather everything at our homes and to have the school fixed. During the two weeks, Death Eaters will be taken to court plus anyone else who worked against the winning team. That meant that Draco would be taken to court, even though he helped the right side in the end. I knew a way to help him though. There were others I cared about going into court as well. My father... He is going to be tried for Azkaban as well. He is not a Death Eater. I found out why he choose Voldy's side when I left for his house the day after the war, very exhausted.

I told my friends I would see them in just a short matter of time and I hoped that we would all be together again, no one missing, no one fighting, just all of us together.

The train took us back to London and there were many parents there. I don't know why my mother was there. Both of my parents were standing together, waiting for me. I hadn't seen them in the same room together without arguing for years. That's why my dad moved back to London, because of how well they didn't communicate, and because it wasn't good for me supposedly.

No one could stay at Hogwarts for the next two weeks. Harry and Hermione would be going to the Burrow. I assumed Draco would go back to his home, though he never said. Everyone was in such a rush after the war that I didn't have time to talk to anyone else, besides the Weasleys, Harry, Hermione, and Draco, for only a brief amount of time.

I walked over to my parents, carrying my little amount of luggage. "Emma!" Mom throws her arms around me and starts sobbing.

I hug back, wondering what this outburst was from. "Mom," I groan. "You're squeezing me." I say and she lets go.

Dad also wraps me in a hug. "I'm so glad you're okay, sweetheart." I hug back, wondering what had gotten into my parents.

Was I okay? Not too many people I cared about had died, fortunately, but it was all so horrible. Harry was hurt, and I hated it when my friends are hurt. Hermione and Ron are now officially together, which makes them super happy. I still felt something missing in me though and I didn't know what.

A thought popped into my brain and I realized they knew I was in the war, that I had fought. Neither of them were at Hogwarts and had seen the war. They didn't know if I would live or come home, or if they would see their only child again.

"Mom, Dad, what are you two doing here?" I ask, having several meanings behind my question.

"We came here to pick you up from the school, of course."

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