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~ Year 2 ~
~ Chapter Two: The Slytherin Prince ~

While shopping for school supplies with the Weasleys, Harry encounters Professor Lockhart, who demands to be in a photo shoot with Harry. Harry then encounters Lucius Malfoy, who almost starts a fight with Mr. Weasley, according to the trio. I was taken to get supplies by my father and I fortunately didn't see anyone except Harry, when he was alone, who had been transported by Floo Powder.

"I don't trust that boy," Dad had said.

"Yes, father." I replied. There was nothing else to say.


After Harry and Ron come back to Hogwarts, they tell us how they were locked out. Harry also adds something about a house-elf. They flew the Weasleys' car into the Whomping Willow. They got detention and Harry got a lecture from our new Defense Against The Dark Arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart. They were lucky they weren't expelled.

Quidditch practices began and Draco Malfoy is the new Slytherin seeker and I am the new Gryffindor Chaser, even though there are two others. On the field, he calls me and Hermione mudbloods. I'm not a mudblood / muggle-born. I'm a half blood; I just don't want people to find out who my father is or how powerful he is.

After taunting us, Draco is our suspect when on Halloween night, someone petrifies the school caretaker's cat and writes a threatening message. Before the cat is attacked, Harry tells us he hears an eerie voice twice. He hears it first during his detention and second during a party, moments before the cat is petrified.

By doing some research, we learn that fifty years ago a chamber at Hogwarts was opened and a student was killed. We find that the student killed was Moaning Myrtle, a ghost that haunts the girls' bathroom, where she died. Lucius Malfoy had Hagrid removed but he left us a warning, while Hermione was petrified: Follow the spiders.


"What about Draco?" I asked.

Ron and Harry were talking and I heard them mention the name Draco Malfoy. Besides being arrogant, I didn't see what the problem was with him. His dad was cruel, but you can't blame a child based off their parents' actions.

Sure, me and the trio had detention last year with him because of him. But the truth was, we shouldn't have been out of the dorms. Draco did have a point.

"Um nothing. Why?" Ron said worriedly.

"Liar." I said flatly. Harry laughed.

He was still pretty popular, being The Boy Who Lived. He didn't really like the tile or the attention. He was just Harry, a 2nd year, a friend.

"Uh, nothing." Harry said.

"Fine. I'll just find out on my own."

"Really, it's nothing. Just Malfoy being Daddy's favorite once again." Harry states.

I could tell he didn't want me to know what he was up to.

"If you say so." I didn't feel like being stubborn and I fingered my bracelet, slightly curious, nonetheless.

"Thanks." Harry said, clearly relieved.

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