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~ Chapter Twenty Three: Everyone here loves you ~

  It actually isn't as easy as I thought it would be to plan a birthday party.

His parents seemed to be warming up to me staying here, at the least. His father made causal small talk, and the conversations, were in fact, very small. His mother seemed to really like me, but I just wasn't sure how to keep the conversation going with either of them.

Draco seemed to have made amends with his father, though they still weren't as close as when he was much younger. By the time Draco's birthday had come, I had gotten him a couple presents that were hidden under the bed. I had dressed in the nice dress that Mrs. Malfoy had bought for me on our shopping day.

I ran a brush through my hair and parted it, so it lay on my right shoulder. The black dress fitted my body well and I decided on my trusted boots.

   I went downstairs to help finish the preparations with his mother. His father was talking to someone on the back patio.

   After putting some flowers on tables, Mrs. Malfoy asked me to wake up Draco so he could get ready. I obliged and walked back up the stairs quietly. I knocked on the door and when there was no response, I opened it.

   Draco was sleeping and he looked peaceful. His pale blond hair was across his forehead and a few strands fell above his eye lids. I almost didn't want to wake him. He didn't want a party. He didn't want to dress up. He was doing this for my sake.

   I walked over to his bed and tapped his shoulder. "Draco." Nothing.

   After pushing his hair out his face, I said his name again. He rolled flat on his back, his head tilting up, and his eyelids fluttered.

   "Morning," I smiled at him.

   Draco groaned and sat up. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to push it back, but it just fell back down to the side of his face. He rubbed dust out of his eyes and blinked, then focused on me. His light eyes stared.

  "Morning," He replied after a minute of finally waking up. 

   I sat on the edge of the bed. He asked, "What time is it?"

   "Barely a quarter past eight. But I think you should be asking what day is it." I saw the wheels turning in his brain and my smile broadened. "Happy birthday, Draco."

    He scooted over, motioning for me to join him. I sat next to him and our hands intertwined.

   "Thanks. Is that a new dress?" I nodded and he looked at all parts of the dress. "It's really beautiful."

    Our eyes met. I'm not sure if it was in unison or who moved first, but before I knew it, we were kissing. My hair fell back against my back and I wrapped my hand against his neck. He wrapped his hands against my waist and kissed me harder. I stopped for a breath and our chests moved up and down.

   "We... shouldn't..." I tried saying. At the same time, however, I was trying to kick my boots off. I just wanted to stay here with him.

    His greedy lips met mine again and began trailing down my neck, while asking, "What time is the party supposed to start?"

   "Ten thirty." I said breathlessly.

    The shoes finally fell off and I wrapped myself around him. He was shirtless and had on loose pajama pants. I lay myself against his warm body.

   "Then let's stay here another hour." He said, resting his head against mine.

   "If we fall asleep..." I don't know where my worry came from, but it was there. I knew that his parents knew we were serious, but I don't think his father saw us that way. I couldn't imagine what would happen if either of them found us in here like this.

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