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~ Year One ~
~ Chapter One: You must be a Weasley ~

    I didn't know where to go since no one I asked knew where platform 9 3/4 was. Then I met Miss Molly Weasley, whose children are also going to Hogwarts. The school fascinated me and I was excited and ready to go.

    "Excuse me, how do I get to platform 9 3/4?" I asked politely, my heart speeding up at socialization.

    "This is my son Ron's first time too. Ron," the red-haired woman motioned for him to go into the wall.

    "Thank you." I exclaimed, shocked at seeing the boy go through the wall.

   A dark haired boy, his hair swept over the right side of his forehead, stood next to her. He was about my height so I assumed we are both first years.

     "You too dearie," she said to the boy. "In ya go." She smiled.

   I went in, trusting a complete stranger, and was carrying everything by hand. I had expected to plow into the wall and I flinched when I reached the wall. No impact happened and I was extremely relieved.

   The boy was right behind me. "I'm Harry," he says.

   "I'm Emma." I say, hoping to have made a friend.

   "I'm Ronald Weasley." The red haired boy said, going aboard. "Are you in your first years too?"

    "Yes." Harry and I said simultaneously.

   We went aboard the train and found a compartment.

   I found somewhere to put my stuff. The boys were talking. "So you're Harry? Harry Potter? And do you have the...-" Ron was saying.

    "The scar? Yeah." Harry showed him a lightening bolt shaped scar upon his forehead where his hair was.

    I glanced at him, having read something about him but not remembering what.

    "Wicked!" Ron exclaimed.

   I didn't want to intrude so I decided to look around. I saw a group of guys and a couple girls in their first year, sitting and talking.

     A guy with white, sort of blond, gorgeous hair and silver/green eyes locked with mine. To me, everything about him seeing mystical, and mysterious. I couldn't memorize how he looked. I thought his eyes changed in the light - sometimes light green and sometimes grey.

   I looked at him for only a few seconds before starting to feel awkward. I passed through and felt eyes on me. I really wanted to go back to America and hide, all of a sudden.

     I am an only child, with dark brown hair and light brown eyes. I came to London so I could go to Hogwarts, after begging and pleading to my mom, who is a muggle. My mom doesn't believe in magic and didn't want her only child across the world and learning sorcery. She wanted me to go to the school in America but even as a muggle, she knew that Hogwarts was the best school.

      My father is a wizard, a very powerful one, who lives in London. I said I would try to get the best grades possible and would do all chores when home and would focus on school. My mom agreed and my father sent me away to Hogwarts. That might've been the only time I saw my dad look proud of me.

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