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~ Year 4 ~
~ Chapter Four: Sometimes a friend is all it takes ~

     Lucius Malfoy owl'd my father, inviting him to the World Cup while at the same time I received a different owl from the Weasleys', inviting me.

     I asked my dad if I could go to the Quidditch World Cup with them instead. I didn't want to have my dad meet Draco while I was there and I would much rather prefer to go with my friends. He agreed as long as I was there with him for the beginning.

    I wanted to go to The Burrow, be there with all the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione. When I did arrive and Father and I saw the Weasleys, there was loud tension. I was scared of what my friends would think, when they knew who my father was. The family was nice about it though. I tried to hide my discomfort but it was hard and I don't know how well I managed. I kept twisting my bracelet, as nervous as ever.

     After my father left to talk to the Minister of Magic, Harry and Hermione introduced me to the eldest Weasleys, Bill and Charlie, who were awesome, and then they told me about how they got here.

    They had traveled by Portkey, and used the same Portkey as Cedric Diggory, a nice Hufflepuff student, and his dad. Harry, Ron, and Hermione had bought souvenirs. Towards the end, Ireland wins, but Viktor Krum, the amazing and attractive Seeker, catches the Snitch. Viktor Krum is a great Seeker and Quidditch player, but if I thought about it, I wouldn't want to be a world famous player. I also later met up with Lucas and we talked for a while. It was good to have company that I was comfortable in.


      Ron receives second-hand robes from his mother and is upset especially since we all have new robes with our growing height. He complained about that on the train ride. The Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione, got to take taxis to the train station and board the train to Hogwarts. My father drove me there. He seemed uneasy after the tournament. It was summer but he always wore long-sleeved shirts.

     During dinner in the Great Hall, Headmaster Dumbledore announces that the Triwizard Tournament between schools will take place this year at Hogwarts, and also that Mad-Eye Moody will be the new teacher of Defense Against The Dark Arts, which is what Professor Snape has always wanted to teach.

    Mad-Eye Moody is a good teacher, we later find out. He turns Draco Malfoy into a ferret for trying to attack Harry while Harry's back is turned. In class, Moody teaches us the three unforgivable curses, Imperius, Cruciatus, and Avada Kedavra.

     Meanwhile, Hermione creates a society that advocates freeing house-elves, who are slaves. I felt extremely guilty when I decided to help her. I couldn't say no, she was my best friend. As Defense Against the Dark Arts progresses, Harry and I learn to successfully ward off the Imperius Curse, along with her, Harry, Lucas Gray, and a few others.

      In between this, I take time and talk to some of the Slytherins. I want to learn why Gryffindors and Slytherins practically hate each other. I've spent a bit of time with Draco, but not too much. He was arrogant and sarcastic but he was still civil and nice enough to me. I spent time with some of the guys too. I thought maybe I could become a journalist after my seventh year, though I hadn't actually taken any notes.

     In late October, the schools Beauxbatons and Durmstrang arrive, and Ron is going crazy and is absolutely thrilled to see that Viktor Krum, has come with Durmstrang. For now, anyways. I didn't care too much either way. A couple boys older than me sat a few seats away. They had unusual names, one I think started with a P.

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